Entering a new climate dimension with space

Past event

Climate, Energy & Natural Resources
Entering a new climate dimension with space


The EU space programme turbocharges environment monitoring
Europe’s Earth Observation satellites, unmatched and admired the world over, deliver terabytes of data to improve our lives, support EU policy and help fight climate change. This positive conclusion was shared by 30 space industry experts at the Friends of Europe policymakers’ dinner in Brussels on 19 November 2019. Yet such leadership can only be maintained through further investment in the EU space programme – while boosting governance, cooperation and societal empowerment.

Space is highly strategic. Besides the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Galileo satellite navigation system operating globally since 2016, seven Copernicus Sentinel satellites now measure the environment, monitoring the land and sea as well as air quality, while also ensuring the security of EU borders and coasts. This programme is often called a ‘jewel in the crown’ for Europe, reinforced by cooperation between ESA and the European Commission, and feeding into European and national policies. In 2018, data from Copernicus was the most downloaded data on NASA websites in the United States.

An environmental asset
Copernicus plays a key role in monitoring the effects of climate change, including global sea level rises and extreme weather. Satellite data is factual and cannot be disputed by global warming sceptics. This data is widely used in many other environment-related fields, from agriculture to deforestation to disaster reduction. It also provides vital information for the EU when implementing international agreements like the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Debate participants highlighted how the EU’s space programme and Earth Observation (EO) capacities will support four new European Green policies: a carbon-neutral Europe by 2050, a biodiversity strategy by 2030, a renewed EU strategy for the Arctic, and sustainable and resilient agriculture. New Copernicus missions are planned to support these ambitious policies from 2021. Methane, an under-estimated greenhouse gas, will also receive more attention through a new monitoring campaign involving ESA and NASA. A representative of the United Nations Environment Programme noted that in Switzerland, EU space data plays a major role supporting the World Environment Situation Room, an interactive platform displaying statistics for global temperature and CO2 levels. Space data and computers will ultimately build ‘digital twins’ for the Earth, offering insight into the changes in our physical world.

More funding needed
Europeans interested in the environment will discover the incredible capacities and value of their space programme. Yet surprisingly this only costs an average of €10 per EU citizen – a tiny amount relative to other space-faring nations like the US and India. Although €16bn is earmarked for the next EU budget from 2021 to 2027, this may not be enough to meet European ambitions for space and Earth observation, as several dinner participants remarked.

Others noted the urgency of strengthening Europe’s IT infrastructure – especially for processing and storing data from space. One third of the planet’s computing needs originate from Europe, yet the continent only provides 2% of those needs. If the EU wants more autonomy and sovereignty in space, it must spend far more on fast computers, big data, cloud storage and artificial intelligence – or risk being left behind by competitors in the US, Russia and China.

Copernicus data is also valuable for businesses like Austria’s Geoville, which provides geo-information to 135 countries. “It’s the world’s best tool, providing data that can improve or save lives,” said the firm’s representative, citing forest management in Honduras and World Bank micro-credits. “It’s also brilliant for Europe’s prosperity and jobs.”

Governance will be a major issue as the private sector becomes more involved in space missions. More guidelines are also needed to ensure that space data is open source and used for social good. Furthermore, to empower European citizens, it is critical the EU and national governments educate the public on the benefits of the space programme.

PHOTO CREDIT: BigStock/raspirator



Held around the time that the new European Commission and Parliament take office, this invitation-only dinner debate looks at the importance of Europe’s space programme for climate action. The European Space Agency plans to launch a fleet of satellites that will monitor carbon dioxide emissions across the planet in 2025. The satellites will create the first worldwide system to track polluters, making it possible to observe emissions down to city scale. As funding is dependent on the EU budget, the European Commission and Parliament have the chance to boost the competitiveness of Europe’s space programme and address climate change at the same time.

PHOTO CREDIT: BigStock/raspirator

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Welcome cocktail and registration of participants
Dinner debate
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Europe’s space programme has a long-standing competitive advantage. Earth observation has an enormous potential to improve our predictive vision of the changing climate. Understanding how space programmes can help EU policies in various sectors is of great importance, whether it is for energy production forecasting, agriculture and crop prediction, development policy and security, or climate change adaptation. It is crucial that Europe continues to invest in space programmes to truly develop our knowledge of human interferences in natural climate cycles and thus help prevent hazardous situations. Reducing risks through a better understanding of space is critical to adapt to climate change and better inform ourselves about its impacts.

  • How can Europe leverage its space programmes to improve global security and reduce climate-related risks?
  • How do we ensure Europe is able to continue investing in and benefitting from its space programmes?
  • How can various stakeholders, including industry and civil society, benefit from current and future EU space programmes?


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

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