EU-Western Balkans Summit: a renewed approach to the region

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EU-Western Balkans Summit: a renewed approach to the region


By 2030, the European Union may welcome several new member states from both the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe. Ukraine and Moldova, having formally initiated accession negotiations in June 2024, are on a fast track to EU integration due to the geopolitical urgency created by the Russian invasion. In parallel, the Western Balkan countries— such as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia—are gradually progressing towards EU membership, with some, like Montenegro and Serbia, also already engaged in accession talks.

The link between post-soviet Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine and the Western Balkans is akin to two sides of the same coin when it comes to EU enlargement. Both regions are pivotal in shaping the future landscape of the EU. On their integration path, Moldova, Ukraine and the Western Balkans share similar challenges related to the rule of law, judicial and anti-corruption reforms, geopolitical pressure, and foreign information manipulation and interference.

This year’s European parliamentary elections in 2024 and the subsequent formation of a new European Parliament and Commission will play a critical role in determining the pace and priorities of the EU enlargement process. The next mandate will be crucial as it will coincide with a period of significant geopolitical shifts, making it essential for the new Commission to prioritise strategic reforms that enhance the EU’s institutional readiness and policy coherence. As underscored in Ursula von der Leyen’s political guidelines for the next European Commission, “enlargement as a geopolitical imperative” is a central theme, reflecting the urgency of integrating new member states to bolster European security and resilience. The 2024 Western Balkans Summit aims to redefine the dialogue on EU enlargement by focusing on the accession processes of Western Balkan countries through an inclusive and innovative approach.

Furthermore, the summit will address the broader implications of EU enlargement on the Union’s long-term goals. As societal polarisation and political fragmentation continue to rise within the EU, the new Commission will need to take decisive measures to ensure that the enlargement process strengthens the societies rather than exacerbates these divisions. The focus will be on accelerating internal integration and enhancing policy coherence to prepare the EU for the inclusion of new member states with varying economic and social backgrounds.

The summit also connects with broader social policy choices being debated under the Renewed Social Contract initiative, particularly regarding the EU’s soft power and its role in promoting European security and resilience. Enlargement, political integration, rule of law, and shared values are directly linked to these policy choices, which aim to ensure that the EU remains a predictable, inclusive, fair and influential global actor.

The Western Balkans Summit aims to build a cohesive and comprehensive strategy for integrating the region into the EU while adapting its ambitions and policies to fit the new reality of an enlarged and more complex Europe.

In the 2022 edition of the EU-Western Balkans Summit, key speakers included: Stevo Pendaroski, President of North Macedonia; Dritan Abazović, Prime Minister of Montenegro; and Albanian Prime Minster of Edi Rama. In 2023, the Summit was joined by Ministers of Foreign Affairs from Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.

This event will take place in Brussels and will also be available to a wider audience via livestream. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagramand join the #BalkansSummit!

* For the United Nations, references to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).

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Welcome coffee and registration
SESSION I – EU enlargement: the role of norms and values in the accession journey
Expand SESSION I – EU enlargement: the role of norms and values in the accession journey

Moderated by

Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe


Gert Jan Koopman

European Commission Director-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

Coffee break
Lunch break


Photo of Gert Jan Koopman
Gert Jan Koopman

European Commission Director-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

Show more information on Gert Jan Koopman

Gert Jan Koopman is the Director-General of the Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations. Prior to this, he served as the director-general of the European Commission’s budget department. In this role, he contributed to putting in place the European Union’s €800bn NextGenerationEU recovery plan, as well as the €18bn MFA+ for Ukraine. He has worked to enable its financing on the capital markets through a sovereign-style funding system. Having served the EU for nearly three decades, Koopman was previously in charge of state aid control at the Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition. His earlier assignments included senior management posts in the department for economic and financial affairs, the Commission’s economic service, as well as enterprise and industry, which supervises the smooth running of the single market. 

Dharmendra Kanani
Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Show more information on Dharmendra Kanani

Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani was director of policy at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). He was the England director at the Big Lottery Fund, the largest independent funder in the UK and fourth largest in the world. Dharmendra has held senior positions in the public and voluntary sectors and advisor to numerous ministerial policy initiatives across the UK.



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