European Commission Executive Vice-President for An Economy that Works for People, Valdis Dombrovkis, was unfortunately no longer be able to join due to health reasons. He was be kindly replaced by Maria Martin-Prat, European Commission Deputy Director-General for Trade (DG TRADE).
Friends of Europe’s State of Europe high-level roundtable has evolved into a journey – the festival of politics and ideas – offering our network and partners year-long engagement with the highest levels of European political and thought leadership.
Ahead of this year’s State of Europe, Friends of Europe welcomed Maria Martin-Prat, European Commission Deputy Director-General for Trade (DG TRADE), to discuss Europe’s economic recovery and the future of European economy and trade with Dharmendra Kanani, Friends of Europe’s Chief Spokesperson.
This conversation was an opportunity for Friends of Europe to dive deep into key European questions related to trade, the current economic situation in Europe and European economic recovery, Europe’s support to Ukraine and global geopolitics, and the upcoming elections.
This event took place in Brussels and was also livestreamed. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook, and join the #StateofEU discussion!
Related content:
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- Event | State of Europe 2023: 10 policy choices for a Renewed Social Contract for Europe
- Event report | State of Europe 2022: Making sense of transitions in an age of crises
- Initiative | Renewed Social Contract
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PHOTO CREDIT: European Union, 2015/EC – Audiovisual Service
Introductory remarks
Wouter Vermeulen
Senior Director for Sustainability and Public Policy at the Coca-Cola Company Europe
Valdis Dombrovskis
European Commission Executive Vice-President for an Economy that Works for People
Dharmendra Kanani
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

European Commission Executive Vice-President for an Economy that Works for People
Valdis Dombrovskis is a Latvian politician with a distinguished career at both the national and European level. In his current portfolio at the European Commission, he is responsible for the euro, social dialogue, financial services and the Capital Markets Union. In Latvia, he was his country’s longest-serving head of government with three terms as prime minister. He also served as Finance Minister, was a Member of the Latvian Parliament and was elected twice to the European Parliament.

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe
Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani was director of policy at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). He was the England director at the Big Lottery Fund, the largest independent funder in the UK and fourth largest in the world. Dharmendra has held senior positions in the public and voluntary sectors and advisor to numerous ministerial policy initiatives across the UK.

Senior Director for Sustainability and Public Policy at the Coca-Cola Company Europe
With over 25 years of experience in corporate social responsibility, public affairs and communications, Wouter Vermeulen has extensive knowledge of working directly with government, private sector and not-for profit organisations. Within the Coca-Cola Company, he currently holds the role of Senior Director of Sustainability, responsible for driving the corporate sustainability agenda in Europe. Wouter started his career as spokesperson to the Belgian Minister for SME’s and Agriculture, André Bourgeois, and State Secretary for Development Cooperation, Réginald Moreels.
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- Debating Europe