Reappraising Global Security: 10 key recommendations

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Peace, Security & Defence


The EU and NATO should boost the participation of women in military operations and review their security strategies with new approaches to strategic communications, according to the 2015 Security Jam report.

False narratives travel fast – at the speed of the internet,” said General Philip M. Breedlove, NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe. “The ability to counter those narratives has to travel fast too

Breedlove was speaking at a Friends of Europe Policy Insight presenting the report, the outcome of the 2014 Security Jam – an internet-based brainstorming session with almost 2,300 participants from 129 countries. The Jam was held amid growing insecurity over Russia’s confrontation with the West over Ukraine and the threat posed by the so-called Islamic State. The Jam’s 10 recommendations reflected the new techniques being used in these conflicts, and included calls for new efforts to absorb asymmetric threats and for universities to work on cyber security.

The global security landscape is becoming increasingly complex, unpredictable, volatile – but also more interconnected,” said Leendert van Bochoven, NATO and European Defence Leader at IBM. “This requires collaboration with partners beyond the usual suspects

Breedlove said strategic communications are often slowed by the need for approval by governments, who want to be sure they understand what is being said before replying to false narratives.

The EU has in the past been criticised for taking time to gather consensus among its members and for a seeming lack of connection between different policy areas. Now it is trying to coordinate better its different external affairs activities – such as trade, development and humanitarian relief – so that they form a coherent whole.

It is also planning to revise its security strategy, which dates back to 2003. The External Action Service wants to get a mandate for a new strategy from the European Council in June, so that it could be drawn up by the end of 2015 or early 2016.

There is a need to review the strategy completely,” said Alain Le Roy, Secretary General of the European External Action Service. “For our strategic communications in the EU, the first point is to have a common voice



Photo of Alain Le Roy
Alain Le Roy

French Ambassador and former Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS)

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Alain Le Roy is a French diplomat. He previously served as Secretary-General of the European External Action Service, Senior Counsellor at the Cour des Comptes, French Ambassador to Italy, and as the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, among others.


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