State of Europe 2019: Vision Innovation for Europe

Past event

State of Europe 2019


Friends of Europe’s annual State of Europe roundtable gathered over 200 influential figures to brainstorm on the future of Europe. This year, however, the pace of debate was not set by any of the political, business or civil society leaders attending, but by three Finnish schoolchildren.

My biggest concern is climate change. Try to do the best to change things as quickly as possible.
Jere Viinamäki, student from Ii, Finland

Jere and his fellow students Iina Loukusa, 17, and Joonas Veijola, 15 are among school children from the town of Ii, Finland, the leading municipality in the transition to renewable energy and climate action.

They had a clear message: the need for action by the adults in the room.

Jere and his fellow students Iina Loukusa, 17, and Joonas Veijola, 15 are among school children from the town of Ii, Finland, the leading municipality in the transition to renewable energy and climate action.

They had a clear message: the need for action by the adults in the room. “We believe and trust that you really care about us and you want to all you can for a sustainable future for all of us,” said Iina. “Please be worthy of our trust.”

Taking up the children’s appeal, several speakers urged a renewed push by Europe to tackle climate change.

If our priority No. 1 is not just growth but clean growth … we have to direct our minds to how we can address this decarbonisation challenge through innovation

Pascal Lamy, President Emeritus of the Notre Europe Jacques Delors Institute and former European commissioner for trade and WTO director-general

Climate technologies was one field where Europe had to take the lead having the advantage of a stronger political will in support of such policies, than in the United States or China, said John Collison, Co-Founder and President of tech company Stripe and a member of Friends of Europe’s European Young Leader (EYL40) programme.

“It would be ridiculous for Europe not to be the leader in that very quickly emerging field which is going to be presumably massive as an economic force,” he said.

Some participants likened the effort needed to fight climate change to the Allied war effort in the 1940s or the US race to put a man on the Moon in the 1960s. “The European version of the Moon shot is an Earth shot,” said Sebastien de Halleux, COO at Saildrone and another European Young Leader.

Dalia Grybauskaite, insisted Europe does not need new structures or instruments to bring about change.

No matter what topic it is about everything is about the political will to make it happen. It’s all up to political leaders, countries to decide.

Dalia Grybauskaite, former president of Lithuania and Chair of the Council of Women World Leaders

Other issues raised during the morning debates ranged from the growth of artificial intelligence and other technologies in the fight for better healthcare, to fighting inequality, rebuilding trust between citizens and politicians, engaging young people in politics, and empowering local authorities.

“This coming five years may be our final chance to reclaim the narrative of the European project and restore trust in the European project,” said Anna König Jerlmyr, Mayor of Stockholm and President of EUROCITIES, who called for a “new European localism” to give cities a “real seat at the table”.

In a discussion on reappraising Europe’s foreign policy and security role, former president of the Republic of Liberia and Nobel Peace Laureate Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said Africa had developed the means to renegotiate and change its historically “uneven, unequal, and inequitable” relationship with Europe.

Security has to come to the forefront of this relationship. The best security in this relationship is for Africa to assume the primary responsibility for its own security. There’s no two ways about that.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former president of the Republic of Liberia and Nobel Peace Laureate

As part of this event, Friends of Europe commissioned a survey from Dalia Research to gather public opinion about the European Union. Click here to read the results.

State of Europe 2019 • Palais d'Egmont, October 17, Brussels.



This high-level event, now in its 16th edition, annually gathers 200+ influential figures from more than 40 countries to brainstorm on the future of Europe.

As a forum for developing the exchange of ideas into recipes for action, it is second to none. We involve sitting and former (prime) ministers, CEOs, NGO leaders, European Commissioners, members of Parliaments, influencers, top journalists and European Young Leaders, in an interactive, inclusive and fast-paced brainstorm – a new way of working to generate new ideas for a new era.

The results of Friends of Europe’s second annual #EuropeMatters citizens’ poll will be released on the same day.

Demographics, the gap in social mobility, technological capacity, industrial regeneration, trade relations – are undoubtedly the key influencers of Europe’s future. But the underpinning driver of its success will be bridging the current trust deficit between citizens and their national and regional representatives.

The ‘challenge opportunity’ for Europe in the next ten years is to rewire its system for systemic innovation. This requires a new social contract that resets the relationship between and among the public, private and civil society sectors.

The time has passed for responding in a 20th century manner to 21st century challenges. Europe needs to take a bold and holistic approach across policies and that means leadership of a different nature at all levels – one that seeks to make innovation, Europe’s comparative advantage.

While the forces affecting societies in this early part of the century resemble many of those experienced in the early part of the last century, the ‘hardware’ available to us is fundamentally revolutionized.

This will be the only way to navigate in a world of disruption, marked by America First, a forthright China, a rising India and a transforming Africa. The new EU political cycle is an opportunity that can be leveraged to make the needed changes.

Discussions at State of Europe this year will be inspired by our ‘Vision for Europe’ report which is part of our #EuropeMatters flagship project, bringing together business leaders, policymakers, civil society representatives and citizens to co-design a Europe that still matters in 2030.

Inconvenient truths and big questions to be addressed for Europe to become a global innovation lab:

  • The trust deficit – reinvigorating democracy through citizens’ participation?
  • Are you in or out – making the EU political project work?
  • Rich and poor – narrowing the gap?
  • Hot or cold – taking a whole systems approach to climate?
  • No jobs or more jobs – rejuvenating Europe’s industrial base?
  • Dependent or interconnected – reappraising Europe’s foreign policy role?
  • Men and women – getting better and different political leadership?
  • Old and young – bridging differences and divides?
  • Direct or indirect – crafting a new and fairer taxation model?

This is an invitation only event.

Current registered discussants include

Our events include photos, audio and video recording that we might use for promotional purposes. By registering, you give your permission to use your image. Should you have any questions, please contact us.



Early bird briefings – How are we changing Europe
Expand Early bird briefings – How are we changing Europe

This set of parallel early-bird briefings, held by experts in their respective fields, features short and inspiring conversations to showcase Europe as an innovation hub.

TABLE 1 – How AI and machine learning are innovating health

Loubna Bouarfa

Chairwoman of the Innovation Board at Envision Pharma Group and 2022 European Young Leader (EYL40)

TABLE 2 – Generating and educating the next generation of founders

Marta Krupinska

Head of Google for Startups UK, Co-Founder of real time pay FinTech start-up FreeUP and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)

TABLE 3 – Facial recognition, social scoring, autonomous machines… Will technology destroy liberal societies or will it allow us to reinvent democracy?

André Loesekrug-Pietri

Chairman and Scientific Director of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) and 2013 European Young Leader (EYL40)

TABLE 4 – Unleashing girls’ digital power

Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen

CEO of Plan International

TABLE 5 – Broken mobility is breaking the European job market

Karoli Hindriks

CEO and Co-Founder of Jobbatical and 2020-2021 European Young Leader (EYL40)

TABLE 6 – Levering the power of "Designed in Europe"

Alfredo Muñoz

Founder & CEO of ABIBOO Studio and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)


Shada Islam

Managing Director at New Horizons Project

Opening Session – Vision innovation for Europe
Expand Opening Session – Vision innovation for Europe

Scene setting

The trust deficit – reinvigorating democracy through citizens’ participation?

The turnout for the European Parliament elections provides an opportunity to build on an engaged citizenry. The message to policy-makers and members states is strong: citizens want to have a say in how Europe is run, be involved in policy decisions, and see an improvement of transparency.

Can Europe develop a different model based on power-sharing and learn from local innovation, which is paving a new way to listen to citizens while increasing transparency and accountability?

Introductory discussants

Anna König Jerlmyr

Former mayor of Stockholm, former member of the Swedish Parliament and Trustee of Friends of Europe

Jere, Joonas and Iina

School children from the town of Ii in Finland, leading municipality in the transition to renewable energy and climate action


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Vision Innovation for Europe

Europe and its new leadership need to adopt an innovation mindset and find a formula to balance conflicting interests. These include: competitiveness in a global economy vs. social equality at home; the free flow of capital, goods, and ideas vs. the preservation of intellectual property and entrepreneurial spirit; security vs. individual rights, liberties and self-determination; the free movement of people, migration, and political asylum vs. the preservation of traditions, cultural identity and the ability to integrate.

How can innovation become Europe’s comparative advantage in policy making? What are the conditions, trade-offs and deal-breakers to enable politics, the private sector and civil society to create a culture of trust and make Europe the global innovation hub of the future?

Introductory discussants

Dalia Grybauskaitė

Former president of Lithuania and Trustee of Friends of Europe

Pascal Lamy

Former Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and European Commissioner, Trustee of Friends of Europe

Jacques Bughin

Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company and Director at the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)

Jean-Luc Lemercier

Corporate Vice-President of EMEA, Canada, Latin America, Japan and Asia Pacific at Edwards Lifesciences


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Coffee break
Idea sharing – Men and women, getting better and different leadership?
Expand Idea sharing – Men and women, getting better and different leadership?

Any football fan will tell you: you can’t win a match with 11 left footed strikers. And yet, that’s exactly who we have on the EU’s pitch today. It’s time to get women off the bench and into the game. Or else, we’re destined to lose. Big time. One of the first places to start is with our leadership. How can we cooperate and build partnerships to make sure that power, in all areas, is distributed equally among men and women?


Francesca Cavallo

Bestselling author of “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls”, Founder & CEO of Undercats and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40) 

Session I – Hot or cold, taking a whole systems approach to climate?
Expand Session I – Hot or cold, taking a whole systems approach to climate?

Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will require a different approach, one that has the power to align investment, policy and regulation to streamline the fight against climate change across all sectors. System change is both the challenge and the opportunity. Technology will be a key strategic tool to ensure that targets are met whilst driving a social and just transition.Can institutional, public, private, and citizen-driven leadership strengthen innovation that helps us win the argument for carbon neutrality on all fronts? Can Europe reconcile the necessary with the desirable to face our ecological ultimatum?


Connie Hedegaard

Chair of green think tank CONCITO of the KR Foundation and of the OECD's Round Table for Sustainable Development; former European Commissioner for Climate Action; former Danish minister for the environment and for climate and energy; and Trustee of Friends of Europe

Leena Vuotovesi

CEO of Micropolis, award-winning development company leading climate action in the Arctic Circle

Sébastien de Halleux

Founding General Partner at Graph Ventures and 2018 European Young Leader (EYL40)


Shada Islam

Managing Director at New Horizons Project

Idea sharing – Old and young, bridging differences and divides?
Expand Idea sharing – Old and young, bridging differences and divides?

The age and generational gap will only get bigger. By 2060 those aged 65 and over will number 152 million. As well as impossibly high fiscal costs, demographic change condemns the under-35s to being outvoted for the foreseeable future. Both groups are affecting Europe by what they want from society. How can we ensure that we mitigate the demographic impact which is going to fundamentally change Europe in the years to come?


Magid Magid

Founder and Director of Union of Justice, Trustee of Friends of Europe and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Etienne Davignon

President of Friends of Europe, Belgian Minister of State and former European commission vice-president

Session II – Rich and poor, narrowing the gap through a fairer taxation model?
Expand Session II – Rich and poor, narrowing the gap through a fairer taxation model?

Growing inequalities between and within EU member states pose a serious threat to Europe’s cohesion. From the North to the South, to the East and West, social mobility is decreasing. A mass of people are not benefitting from our transforming technologically driven economies. Can we balance the score card between rich and poor by leveraging housing, education, entrepreneurship, technology and access to finance to enable those who are net-benefiters of welfare to become net-contributors? How can we transform the system and re-set the economic and social frameworks for a fairer taxation model?


Mateusz Morawieck

Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland

Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln

Chair of Macroeconomics and Development, Goethe University Frankfurt, and winner of the Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Science Foundation

John Collison

Co-Founder and President of Stripe and 2018 European Young Leader (EYL40)


Shada Islam

Managing Director at New Horizons Project

Session III – Dependent or interconnected, reappraising Europe’s foreign policy and security role?
Expand Session III – Dependent or interconnected, reappraising Europe’s foreign policy and security role?

Rapid global and domestic changes are forcing Europe to reassess its relations with old and new global powers – and redefine its own international role. The EU’s move to forge a stronger security identity, clinch new trade and investment accords and take the lead in salvaging the Iran nuclear deal, reforming the World Trade Organisation and maintaining momentum on Climate Change are encouraging signs. It’s now time to become bolder, more skilful and more innovative. The EU’s focus should shift from out-dated “hub and spoke” agreements to innovative deals which encourage a real two-way exchange of knowledge, finance and people to tackle shared challenges.

What should be the key elements of a new European global strategy? In a world marked by zero-sum games, can the EU invest in cooperative leadership for better global governance?


Khaled Mattawa

Award-winning Poet and Professor of Creative Writing, University of Michigan, Author of the Collection Mare Nostrum


Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

First democratically elected female head of state in Africa, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Honorary Co-President of the Africa-Europe Foundation

Paul Taylor

Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe


Shada Islam

Managing Director at New Horizons Project

Session IV – No jobs or more jobs, rejuvenating Europe's industrial base?
Expand Session IV – No jobs or more jobs, rejuvenating Europe's industrial base?

Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and data are transforming capital flows, value chains, industrial bases, consumer behaviour and ultimately the jobs market. How Europe transitions to a fully-fledged digital society while preserving its manufacturing and industrial power, will depend on a drastic rethink of its relationship with its industrial base. How we get there requires a new and innovative digital global strategy for industrial policy with a European intent. How can we bring leaders closer to craft an innovation based industrial strategy?


Andreas Schleicher

Director for Education and Skills, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Mate Rimac

Founder & CEO of Rimac Automobili

Nicolas Schmit

Party of European Socialists (PES) Common Candidate


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Coffee break
Conclusion – Are you in or out, making the EU political project work?
Expand Conclusion – Are you in or out, making the EU political project work?

Europe is at a crossroads. As the incoming leadership is set to take its place, the political landscape between those that want to be part of strong and united Europe of values and those who see the EU as an economic transactor – has fragmented institutions, member states and citizens between two camps. As we move ahead, member states must ask themselves what do they want out of the political project and are they willing to make it work? How will the new EU leadership learn from the legacy of the last mandate to manage the social, economic and political divides that have hampered unity?


Věra Jourová

Vice-President of the European Commission

Maroš Šefčovič

European Commission Vice-President for Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight

Alexis Tsipras

Leader of the Opposition and former prime minister of Greece


Joe Litobarski

Editor-in-Chief of Debating Europe



Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen
Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen

CEO of Plan International

Show more information on Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen

A renowned leader in development and gender equality, Anne-Birgitte has worked for over 25 years in international development, human rights, change management and diplomacy, and has been listed as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Gender Equality by Apolitical. She was United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director for Management at the United Nations Population Fund. Anne-Birgitte is also Chairman of the Board of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and a member of the United Nations Every Woman Every Child High Level Steering Group.

Photo of Loubna Bouarfa
Loubna Bouarfa

Chairwoman of the Innovation Board at Envision Pharma Group and 2022 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Show more information on Loubna Bouarfa

A Dutch machine learning scientist turned entrepreneur, Loubna Bouarfa currently holds the position of Chairwoman of the Innovation Board at Envision Pharma Group (ESG). In this role, she focuses on emphasising the broader mission of embedding and excelling AI across EPG. Bouarfa is also the Founder and former CEO of OKRA Technologies, a leading artificial intelligence analytics company in the life sciences sector. With transitioning to a horizontal function within EPG, her expertise will now focus on shaping EPG’s AI strategy and championing EPG’s position as a thought leader in this space. Bouarfa was awarded the CEO of the Year Award at the Cambridge Independent Science and Technology Awards. As a former member of the European Union High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, she supported the implementation of the Union’s strategy on AI within the digital single market.

Photo of Jacques Bughin
Jacques Bughin

Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company and Director at the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI)

Show more information on Jacques Bughin

Jacques is a senior partner at McKinsey and a director of the McKinsey Global Institute, the firm’s business and economics research arm, and one of its three global co-leaders. Since joining the firm, he has worked with media, telecom, online services, healthcare, fin-tech, travel and logistics companies on a variety of issues. He is also the co-author of numerous reports on the Internet of Things, big data and social technologies, including “Digital Europe: Realizing the continent’s potential”. He is a fellow of the Aspen Institute, ECORE, and KUL University.

Francesca Cavallo
Francesca Cavallo

Bestselling author of “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls”, Founder & CEO of Undercats and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40) 

Show more information on Francesca Cavallo

Francesca Cavallo is a bestselling author of children’s books, entrepreneur, and founder and CEO of Undercats Media. She is the co-creator of ‘Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls’, a collection of 100 tales of extraordinary women that has become a publishing sensation. Cavallo’s career began in theatre, where she worked as both a manager for a theatre company and as a playwright. In 2012, she moved to California to co-found a children’s media start-up called Timbuktu Labs, Inc. Since then, she has authored nine picture books that have been translated into more than 47 languages. Her most recent international bestseller is the children’s book ‘Doctor Li and the Crown-wearing Virus’.

Photo of John Collison
John Collison

Co-Founder and President of Stripe and 2018 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Show more information on John Collison

John Collison is president and co-founder of Stripe, the software company that is expanding internet commerce by making it easy to process transactions from anywhere. John and his brother Patrick started Stripe in 2010 while John was studying physics at Harvard. Their goal was to make accepting payments online simpler and more inclusive, after learning firsthand how difficult it was. Today, the 1700-person and growing Stripe team powers online businesses around the world. Prior to Stripe, John co-founded Auctomatic, which was acquired by Live Current Media in March 2008. Originally from Limerick, Ireland, John lives in San Francisco, California, where Stripe is based.

Etienne Davignon
Etienne Davignon

President of Friends of Europe, Belgian Minister of State and former European commission vice-president

Show more information on Etienne Davignon

Etienne (Stevy) Davignon is one of the few statesmen in Europe who has been actively involved in EU affairs from the beginning, from his early role as Chief of Staff to Paul-Henri Spaak to today. He has held high-level positions in both the public and private sectors, including as Vice-President of the European Commission, President of the Société Générale de Belgique, first President of the International Energy Agency and through various board mandates.

Sébastien de Halleux
Sébastien de Halleux

Founding General Partner at Graph Ventures and 2018 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Show more information on Sébastien de Halleux

Sebastien de Halleux is a Founder and General Partner at Graph Ventures, an early stage angel fund with a portfolio of over 180 start-ups, including Blue Apron, Ipsy, Envoy and Figure. Prior to this, Sebastien served as the COO of Saildrone, a company which revolutionaised data collection at sea through the use of wind and solar powered ocean drones. He is also the co-founder and former COO of Playfish, which was one of the largest and fastest growing social gaming companies with over 300mn players before it was acquired by video game giant Electronic Arts in 2009. Sebastien also helped launched Glu Mobile, an early pioneer in mobile games. He is the recipient of the 2012 EA Emerging Leaders Award, the 2011 Tech 100 Award, the 2010 TechFellow Award and the 2003 Booz Allen Professional Excellence Award, and has served on the boards of Saildrone, Samasource, Vittana, UWC-USA, the Solar Fuel Institute and Trusted Family.

Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln

Chair of Macroeconomics and Development, Goethe University Frankfurt, and winner of the Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Science Foundation

Show more information on Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln

Nicola is a German economist and an award-winning researcher. Prior to joining the faculty of Goethe University Frankfurt, Nicola was an assistant professor at Harvard University. Her research focuses on the analysis of household savings and labour supply behaviour, labour market integration, and the determinants of political preferences. The president of the German Economic Association, Nicola is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Ministry of Finance, and winner of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation.

Photo of Dalia Grybauskaitė
Dalia Grybauskaitė

Former president of Lithuania and Trustee of Friends of Europe

Show more information on Dalia Grybauskaitė

The former president of Lithuania and European commissioner, Dalia Grybauskaitė currently serves as the Co-Chair of the United Nations High-Level Panel on International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (FACTI). Previously, she has chaired the Council of Women World Leaders and held several positions as a Lithuanian diplomat and politician, including as the country’s finance minister, as well as minister plenipotentiary at the Lithuanian embassy to the United States and at the Lithuanian Mission to the EU. Notably, Grybauskaitė played a key role in improving the relations between Lithuania and the EU as the deputy chief negotiator of Lithuania’s Association Agreement with the EU.

Connie Hedegaard
Connie Hedegaard

Chair of green think tank CONCITO of the KR Foundation and of the OECD's Round Table for Sustainable Development; former European Commissioner for Climate Action; former Danish minister for the environment and for climate and energy; and Trustee of Friends of Europe

Show more information on Connie Hedegaard

Connie Hedegaard holds several leading positions in support of a low-carbon and green economy. She was appointed Lead of the Mission on ‘Adaptation to Climate Change including Societal Transformation’ for Horizon Europe and also chairs the Board of the KR Foundation, a Danish climate and sustainability foundation. Hedegaard was also the European commissioner for climate action, in which role she led the negotiations for the adoption of the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework and the 2050 Roadmap for moving towards a low-carbon economy, whilst also representing the EU in international climate negotiations.

Karoli Hindriks
Karoli Hindriks

CEO and Co-Founder of Jobbatical and 2020-2021 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Show more information on Karoli Hindriks

Karoli is an Estonian entrepreneur and creator of Jobbatical, a digital visa and relocation platform using AI and automation to digitise archaic immigration systems. On a mission to make immigration more resourceful, Jobbatical is changing individuals’ lives and building high-performing teams by relocating exceptional people to impactful tech jobs around the world. Since founding her first company at the age of 16, officially making her the youngest inventor in Estonia, Karoli has been on a fast-track to setting up innovative initiatives. She is regularly counted amongst today’s most influential women, having received numerous awards and recognition from prestigious organisations, including EU-Startups and the European Council. She was also nominated as speaker of the 2017 Fortune Magazine Most Powerful Women International Summit. Thanks to her influence, she also led the launch of seven television channels in Northern Europe, including National Geographic Channels and MTV.

Photo of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

First democratically elected female head of state in Africa, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and Honorary Co-President of the Africa-Europe Foundation

Show more information on Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the world’s first elected black female president and Africa’s first elected female head of state. Ellen began her political career in William Tolbert’s government as Deputy Minister of Finance in 1971. After Samuel Doe seized power in a coup d’état, Ellen fled to the United States. Returning to Liberia, she won the 2005 presidential election and remained in office until 2018. In 2016, she was elected as the Chair of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), making her the first woman to hold the position since it was created. In 2011, Ellen was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkol Karman, “for their nonviolent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work”.

Marta Krupinska
Marta Krupinska

Head of Google for Startups UK, Co-Founder of real time pay FinTech start-up FreeUP and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Show more information on Marta Krupinska

Marta is a London-based fintech entrepreneur who co-founded the real time pay start-up FreeUp. She is also an entrepreneur-in-residence at the global GovTech firm Having experienced first-hand the challenges that arise when attempts are made to send money home, she helped co-found the global money transfer platform Azimo, raising over $70mn in funding and gained over 1mn customers. Marta is a frequent public speaker and advocate for responsible leadership and inclusion.

Anna König Jerlmyr
Anna König Jerlmyr

Former mayor of Stockholm, former member of the Swedish Parliament and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Anna is Mayor of Stockholm and Chair of the City Executive Board. She has a background in economics and communications, and previously served as a member of the Swedish Riksdag. Upon entering the Stockholm City Council, she was appointed Vice-Mayor for Social Affairs and Chair of Stockholm’s Police Authority. She served as Opposition Vice-Mayor representing the Moderate Party. In addition to her role as Mayor, Anna is President of the European city network EUROCITIES and sits on the steering committee of the global climate network C40.

Photo of Pascal Lamy
Pascal Lamy

Former Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and European Commissioner, Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Pascal Lamy is a French politician and the Vice President of the Paris Peace Forum, a new innovative global governance initiative. He served as the director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO) for two consecutive terms, prior to which he was the European commissioner for trade and head of cabinet for former Commission president, Jacques Delores. Currently an associate professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Lamy also frequently lectures at the Institut Jacques Delors and speaks on issues related to globalisation, global governance, international trade, international economics and regional integration. He has written several publications on the European Union and the ‘harmonising’ of globalisation and is a Trustee of Friends of Europe.

Jean-Luc Lemercier
Jean-Luc Lemercier

Corporate Vice-President of EMEA, Canada, Latin America, Japan and Asia Pacific at Edwards Lifesciences

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Prior to assuming his current role at Edwards Lifesciences, the global leader in patient-focused medical innovations for structural heart disease, Jean-Luc Lemercier served as the vice-president of transcatheter heart valves of the EMEA region. Under his leadership, the company successfully launched the SAPIEN transcatheter heart valve technology and built its leadership position in Europe. Lemercier also serves as Chair of the Cardiovascular Sector Group of MedTech Europe, the association representing the medical technology industry in Europe.

André Loesekrug-Pietri
André Loesekrug-Pietri

Chairman and Scientific Director of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) and 2013 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Show more information on André Loesekrug-Pietri

André Loesekrug-Pietri is an entrepreneur and has held leadership positions in private equity, government and industry. He is currently the Chairman of JEDI, which aims to accelerate Europe’s leadership by financing and nurturing the development of breakthrough technologies. He previously served as a special advisor to the French Minister of Defence, where he was responsible for European defence policy, as well as technology and innovation, prior to which he has 15 years of experience in private equity and venture capital. Loesekrug-Pietri is a lecturer at Sciences Po and a regular columnist at several international media outlets. Having studied aerospace engineering, he is also a private pilot and Colonel with the French Air Force People’s Reserve.

Photo of Iina Loukusa
Iina Loukusa

Show more information on Iina Loukusa

Iina is 17 years old. She is the Student Union Chair at Ii Upper Secondary School. Her hobbies include skiing, orienteering, and playing the piano. She promotes sustainable development through active action in the school community. In her free time she organises climate awareness events.

Magid Magid
Magid Magid

Founder and Director of Union of Justice, Trustee of Friends of Europe and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Magid Magid is a Somali-British race and climate justice activist, organiser and author, who moved to the United Kingdom as a refugee at the age of five. He is the Founder and Director of Union of Justice, an independent European people of colour-led organisation dedicated to racial and climate justice. He is also the Co-Chair of the refugee charity, City of Sanctuary Sheffield. Magid served as a Green Party member of the European Parliament, representing Yorkshire and the Humber for nearly two years until the UK’s exit from the EU. He is the former lord mayor of Sheffield, the youngest person ever and the first Green Party councillor to hold the office. Squatting on a staircase in Sheffield town hall and sporting a pair of Dr Martens, Magid’s inaugural portrait became an internet sensation. Magid was named one of TIME’s 100 rising stars shaping the future of the world.

Khaled Mattawa
Khaled Mattawa

Award-winning Poet and Professor of Creative Writing, University of Michigan, Author of the Collection Mare Nostrum

Show more information on Khaled Mattawa

Khaled is a renowned Libyan-American poet, writer and translator. His poetry explores the intersection of culture, narrative, and memory. In the poet’s stunning new collection Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) he reflects on his return to the Mediterranean by tackling the migrant crisis. A Chancellor of the Academy of American poets, Khaled has been awarded several prestigious awards such as the PEN Award for Literary Translation, a Guggenheim Foundation fellowship, and a MacArthur fellowship. The editor of Michigan Quarterly Review, he is currently professor of creative writing at the University of Michigan.

Mateusz Morawieck
Mateusz Morawieck

Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland

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Mateusz is a Polish politician, historian and economist, who has served as Prime Minister since 2017. He was previously a member of Beata Szydło’s cabinet, taking on responsibilities as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Economic Development and Minister of Finance. He also has extensive experience in the private sector, including as Chairman of Bank Zachodni WBK.
Among his key priorities as Prime Minister is to a champion entrepreneurship and investment, notably through the development of a nationwide ‘Polish Investment Zone’. Mateusz has been recognised for his work through numerous awards, including the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for his efforts in promoting Polish culture.

Alfredo Munoz
Alfredo Muñoz

Founder & CEO of ABIBOO Studio and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Alfredo is a Spanish architect, who has designed and managed more than six million square metres across five continents. Under Alfredo’s leadership, his architectural, urban and interior design firm has designed projects in a wide range of scales, from large urban developments and affordable housing townships to small temporal structures. Before founding ABIBOO, Alfredo held senior roles at Toyo Ito and SOM. Internationally-renowned, Alfredo was recognised among the most important and emerging young architects and designers by the European Centre and the Chicago Athenaeum Architecture Awards, and his work has been featured in various media outlets, including The New York Times, Wallpaper and Domus, among others.

Mate Rimac
Mate Rimac

Founder & CEO of Rimac Automobili

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Mate is the Founder & CEO of Rimac Automobili. Mate started out at the age of 19 in a borrowed garage, tinkering, dreaming and already thinking several years ahead of the traditional car industry. In 2009 Rimac Automobili was born, and in 2011 the Rimac Concept One became the world’s first true electric supercar. Today, Rimac Automobili is recognised as a trusted partner by many global original equipment manufacturers, bringing ‘hypercar’ technology to many applications.

Andreas Schleicher
Andreas Schleicher

Director for Education and Skills, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

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Andreas is an award-winning German statistician and researcher in the field of education. In his role at the OECD, he is responsible for promoting the organisation’s work on education and skills. This includes studies such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) or the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). Before joining the OECD, Andreas was Director for Analysis at the International Association for Educational Achievement (IEA).

Nicolas Schmit
Nicolas Schmit

Party of European Socialists (PES) Common Candidate

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Nicolas Schmit is a Luxembourgish politician and diplomat, who has been instrumental in fostering Europe’s social dimension in his position as European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights. An economist by training, he is a former member of the European Parliament and previously served as the Luxembourgish minister of labour. He has also held various positions within the Luxembourgish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including as head of the Department of International Economic Relations and Cooperation. Schmit’s final diplomatic posting was as Luxembourg’s permanent representative to the EU.

Photo of Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe

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Paul Taylor is a Senior Fellow at Friends of Europe and the author of the think tank’s European Defence Cooperation report series. He previously spent four decades working for Reuters as a foreign correspondent in Paris, Tehran, Bonn and Brussels, as bureau chief in Israel/Palestine, Berlin and Brussels, as chief correspondent in France, as diplomatic editor in London, and finally as European affairs editor. Taylor’s assignments have included covering the Iranian revolution, the Cold War Euromissile crisis, the 1991 Gulf War, German reunification, the Maastricht summit, France in the 1990s, EU enlargement, the Eurozone crisis and the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt.

Photo of Alexis Tsipras
Alexis Tsipras

Leader of the Opposition and former prime minister of Greece

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Alexis is a Greek politician. He is the current Leader of the Opposition in the Greece. He served as prime minister of Greece from January 2015 to May 2019. His political career stretches back two decades, first as secretary of the youth wing of the Coalition of the Left – Movements and Ecology, then as a member of the Municipality of Athens council. Alexis was first elected as an MP in 2009, when he became president of the SYRIZA Parliamentary Group. From 2012 to 2014, he served as Leader of the Opposition in Greece and was also the vice-chairman of the European Left Party, from 2010 to 2014. In the 2014 European election he was candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission.

Photo of Joonas Veijola
Joonas Veijola

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Joonas is 15 years old. His hobbies include Finnish baseball and fishing. He cycles as much as he can and always uses public transport. Joonas is interested in how we can source our food locally; he grows vegetables in his garden and forages for berries in the forest.

Jere Viinamäki
Jere Viinamäki

Show more information on Jere Viinamäki

Jere is 12 years old. He is interested in Japanese culture and his hobbies include acting, crosscountry skiing and playing the guitar. Jere is passionate about responsible shopping and committed to recycling. He cycles to school and tries to use as little electricity as possible.

Leena Vuotovesi
Leena Vuotovesi

CEO of Micropolis, award-winning development company leading climate action in the Arctic Circle

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Leena Vuotovesi is CEO of the development company Micropolis, located close to the Arctic Circle. Micropolis is at the forefront of climate-friendly local policies, helping municipalities pilot solutions for green growth. In 2017, Leena’s company was recognised for its strong regional climate action through the European Commission’s RegioStar Award. That same year, the Nordic Council of Ministries identified Ii – a Finnish town that Micropolis is closely working with – as one of the best bio-economy cases in the region. Leena is also permanent advisor to the board of the Storm Warning.

Photo of Alexis Tsipras
Alexis Tsipras

Leader of the Opposition and former prime minister of Greece

Show more information on Alexis Tsipras

Alexis is a Greek politician. He is the current Leader of the Opposition in the Greece. He served as prime minister of Greece from January 2015 to May 2019. His political career stretches back two decades, first as secretary of the youth wing of the Coalition of the Left – Movements and Ecology, then as a member of the Municipality of Athens council. Alexis was first elected as an MP in 2009, when he became president of the SYRIZA Parliamentary Group. From 2012 to 2014, he served as Leader of the Opposition in Greece and was also the vice-chairman of the European Left Party, from 2010 to 2014. In the 2014 European election he was candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission.

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