The challenge of identities

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Friends of Europe The challenge of identities 2024


The results of the European elections in June raised mixed emotions—shock, disappointment and for some, an unsettling confirmation of the status quo. What the elections undeniably highlighted was the growing influence of right-wing extremist parties across the continent and, perhaps more concerning, their increasing acceptance in mainstream discourse.

While the economic hardships, such as rising costs of living, food and energy insecurity, and broader socio-economic instability have amplified divisions, the political environment has capitalised on deeper insecurities tied to identity. Migration, coupled with the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, has created fertile ground for polarised narratives to take shape.

Beyond these economic and social shocks identity politics have taken centre stage, fueled by a perception of threats to personal and national dignity. This polarisation isn’t limited to economic concerns; it finds expression in security, climate and democratic discourse. From the aggressive narratives of toxic masculinity driving global security issues and the battles over climate policy framed by car dependency and the resistance to change, these divisions feed into a broader sense of ‘us vs. them’.

As we work to understand how to overcome polarisation in Europe, it is critical to recognise how identity shapes our collective responses to these crises. The role of governments must seek to overcome these identity-based conflicts and build a shared sense of cohesion. To achieve this, young leaders have a critical role to play in reshaping divisive narratives around gender, security, power and societal roles. The question we face is how to mobilise this new generation of leaders to foster a culture of inclusivity and dialogue—one that transcends the identity-driven politics of the moment and guides Europe towards a more hopeful, united future.

This event is by invitation only and is part of the European Young Leaders (EYL40) programme. Led by Friends of Europe, this programme is a unique, inventive and multi-stakeholder programme that aims to promote a European identity by engaging the continent’s most promising talents in initiatives that will shape Europe’s future.

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PHOTO CREDIT: Master1305/Shutterstock



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European Young Leaders Meeting
Lunch and goodbyes


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