The EU-India Trade and Technology Council: converging on trade, technology and security

Past event online

Global Europe
Ashish Kumar Gupta


Many challenges lie at the intersection of trade, trusted technology and security. Amid growing geopolitical uncertainty, the EU-India Council on Trade and Technology (TTC) aims to strengthen cooperation between the two strategic partners. This strategic coordination mechanism will be critical in ensuring the political trust needed to bridge the economic differences that stalled progress on comprehensive EU-India agreements on trade, market access and investment protection. The potential success of these negotiations amidst increasing US-China competition could signal a rebalancing of global politics with implications spanning far beyond trade.

To discuss the private sector view on how India and the EU may concur on issues as diverse as supply chain security, clean tech, reciprocal market access, talent mobility or privacy, Friends of Europe will be joined by Ashish Kumar Gupta from HCL Technologies.

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PHOTO CREDIT: By stephen4 from Pixabay



The EU-India Trade and Technology Council: converging on trade, technology and security Expand The EU-India Trade and Technology Council: converging on trade, technology and security


  • Have India and the EU moved any closer in their policy positions on the contentious areas that impeded the success of the 2007-2013 Free Trade Agreement negotiations – particularly in the field of digital trade? What would further progress look like in this regard?
  • How can the EU maximise the benefits of establishing a closer and more coordinated relation with India’s leading IT industry and concentration of advanced digital talent?
  • How can private sector stakeholders be better integrated in TTC Working Groups in order to ensure their priorities and perspectives are noted?
  • Which specific mechanisms can be integrated within agreements to ensure trust between the EU and India – two powers sharing a seemingly similar liberal democratic mindset – in light of the many recent geopolitical and geoeconomics shocks?


Ashish Kumar Gupta

Senior Corporate Vice President and Head of Europe and Africa at HCL Technologies Ltd.


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

End of debate


Ashish Kumar Gupta
Ashish Kumar Gupta

Senior Corporate Vice President and Head of Europe and Africa at HCL Technologies Ltd.

Show more information on Ashish Kumar Gupta

Under Ashish Kumar Gupta’s leadership, HCL has grown to become one of the more recognised IT service providers in Europe. His work for the company has focused on building business and ensuring the success of these proposals across India, the United States and – since 2004 – in Europe and Africa. This includes the conceptualization and execution of Remote Infrastructure Management Services that eventually led to the formation of a large Indian infrastructure outsourcing industry. Gupta has been instrumental in creating key alliances and partnerships, including the Cambridge Service Alliance and HCL’s digital transformation partnership with Manchester United. In 2019, Ashish was nominated to the board of TechUK and the World Economic Forum – Europe Regional Business Council, focused on collaboration between corporates and start-ups and boosting digital education and upskilling.

Dharmendra Kanani
Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Show more information on Dharmendra Kanani

Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani was director of policy at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). He was the England director at the Big Lottery Fund, the largest independent funder in the UK and fourth largest in the world. Dharmendra has held senior positions in the public and voluntary sectors and advisor to numerous ministerial policy initiatives across the UK.



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