Time for a paradigm shift: Listening and learning - a two-way street

Past event

Time for a paradigm shift: Listening and learning - a two-way street


Government, education and institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region need to do a better job of including young people in order to forge a better future. Art and education can help. Amid widespread discontent, there are signs of hope.

That’s a broad generalisation of the message from a two-day conference held on 22 and 23 May in Brussels. The event brought together Young Mediterranean Voices from the Anna Lindh Foundation and some of Friends of Europe’s EYL40 Young Leaders. Speakers included Abdelbasset Ben Hassen, President of the Arab Institute for Human Rights; Michael Köhler, Director of Neighbourhood, European Commission Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations; Elisabeth Guigou, President of the Anna Lindh Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue and former Minister of Justice of France; and Sherin Khankan, Denmark’s first female imam, and founder of the women led Mariam Mosque in Copenhagen.

The European Young Leaders (EYL40) programme was launched in 2011, with the goal of bringing together 40 of Europe’s brightest minds every year – aged 40 and under – to debate challenges facing the continent and search for solutions. The programme was initially conceived by Friends of Europe in partnership with EuropaNova.

Time for a paradigm shift: Listening and learning - a two-way street

Time for a paradigm shift: Beyond cliches

Event recording

Time for a paradigm shift: Beyond cliches

Start playback
Time for a paradigm shift: Conversation with Sherin Khankan

Event recording

Time for a paradigm shift: Conversation with Sherin Khankan

Start playback
Time for a paradigm shift: Woman power

Event recording

Time for a paradigm shift: Woman power

Start playback
Time for a paradigm shift: Tech talk

Event recording

Time for a paradigm shift: Tech talk

Start playback
Time for a paradigm shift: Listening and taking action

Event recording

Time for a paradigm shift: Listening and taking action

Start playback
Time for a paradigm shift: Learning and acting

Event recording

Time for a paradigm shift: Learning and acting

Start playback


With more than two-fifths of the global population being under the age of 25, young people have a key role to play in building and shaping the world we live in. They can either be empowered as key actors for community dialogue and peace-building, or be excluded from the conversation by negative media and political discourse. It’s time to acknowledge the importance of the contribution made by young people to build and maintain peace, bringing innovative ideas to conflict prevention and resolution, and to recognise that young people’s voices need to be heard and respected as equal partners for dialogue.

This unique programme invites young people from across the Euro-Mediterranean region to meet in Brussels, discuss their experiences with influential representatives from politics, business and civil society, and give voice to the issues that they view as crucial both to their generation, and to their societies as a whole. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss some of the findings of the first Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security launched at the UN Security Council in April 2018 and pioneered with a global coalition of young leaders and regional organisations including the Anna Lindh Foundation and Young Mediterranean Voices.

For those observing Ramadan, breaks have been foreseen and facilities will be made available throughout the programme

*The EYL40 programme was initially conceived with EuropaNova, a Paris-based think-tank



Registration of participants
Scene setting
Expand Scene setting


A moment to welcome the EYL40 and YMV to their first joint seminar and an opportunity for them to meet with their peers.


Geert Cami

Co-Founder and Secretary General of Friends of Europe, and Co-Founder and Co-Secretary General of the Africa-Europe Foundation

Paul Walton

Executive Director of the Africa-Europe Foundation

Time for a paradigm shift

A moment to welcome the EYL40 and YMV to their first joint seminar and an opportunity for them to meet with their peers.

Introductory remarks

Jesse Klaver

Member of the Dutch House of Representatives, Leader of the Dutch green party GroenLinks, Trustee of Friends of Europe and 2018 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Expand Ice-breaker

Getting to know each other

EYL40 and YMV will have an opportunity to engage with one another in an ice-breaking activity. This will centre around exchanging experiences and sharing stories of their leadership journeys.

Led by

Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Plenary session: Beyond cliches
Expand Plenary session: Beyond cliches


If “education, cross-cultural skills and critical thinking are the basis of political participation and active citizenship” then the arts and intercultural exchange have a vital role to play in broadening the scope of perspectives in the public sphere. The artistic domain provides a key space in which to challenge social norms and values in creative ways, sparking new conversations and providing a space for collaboration, open expression and community-building. This session will also explore the role of virtual exchange in connecting youth leadership, and offer a preview of the pilot “Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange” programme.

What does it take to create the right conditions for artistic expression and intercultural exchange to flourish? In what ways can the arts be a driver for inclusivity? How can the arts and creative thinking be better mobilised as a lever for positive social change?

Introductory remarks

Jasmina Cibic

Filmmaker, sculptor and artist who explores how political rhetoric is deployed through art and architecture and 2014 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Paul Dujardin

Former CEO and artistic director at BOZAR


Nabeel Abboud-Ashkar

Co-Founder & Artistic Director at Polyphony Foundation, 2017 MENA Young Leader

Rihab Mejri

Civil Society Activist, (YMV)


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Parallel sessions
Expand Parallel sessions

Parallel session I: Woman power
Empowerment through business

Promoting gender equality is transformational across all levels of society. Both the European and MENA regions seemingly remain male dominated but the economic inclusion of women is being prioritised in many countries as we see women’s confidence increasing and women taking more active and leading roles in business. The potential for increased diversity and innovation in industry as well as economic growth is evident, yet women’s creativity and entrepreneurial potential are still untapped.

How can we ensure that women’s contribution to small businesses and start-ups is facilitated? What are the main challenges faced? What difference, if any, do women make when they are at the table? What is the influence of social norms, culture, education, preconceptions and stereotypes on women’s access to and participation in business?


Yostina Boules

Founder & Managing Director at Taqa Solutions, 2017 MENA Young Leader

Ulla Engelmann

Head of unit, European Commission Directorate-General for the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs

Assita Kanko

Member of European Parliament and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Silvana Koch-Mehrin

Founder and President of Women Political Leaders (WPL)


Shada Islam

Managing Director at New Horizons Project

Parallel session II: Tech talk
Skills and education for the digital age

Shaping education in line with often rapid technological developments could be a key driver for growth in Europe and the MENA region.  We need to lead technology rather than be driven by it to keep up with competitors such as the US and China, to create new jobs and to avoid poverty for young and growing populations.  Digital education is a chance to ensure better employability among the younger generation, to improve the abilities and productivity of workers and to strengthen social and economic equality. Europe and the MENA region must change the narrative on education and work and speed-up their adaptation to the needs of the future.

How can Europe and the MENA address the high demand for digital skills in the labour force? How can we make the most of our human capital, ensuring that both the younger and adult generations are prepared for the future needs of the digital age? Which successful models can be replicated on a wider scale? Europe and the MENA are multi-speed with many differences within the regions. What’s the best way to ensure every country benefits equally when moving forward?


Abdallah Absi Halabi

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Zoomaal, 2017 MENA Young Leader

Julie Foulon

Founder and CEO at Girleek

Sana Odeh

Founder and Chair of Arab Women in Computing

Andreas Schleicher

Director for Education and Skills, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

A conversation with Sherin Khankan
Expand A conversation with Sherin Khankan

Sherin is Denmark’s first female imam who has led the foundation of a women-led mosque in Copenhagen called Mariam Mosque. She is also an activist on Muslim issues including female integration and extremism, and has written numerous texts discussing Islam and politics. 


Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

Masterclass roundtables
Expand Masterclass roundtables

This session consists of splitting the participants into smaller groups, with one participant host per group to lead a discussion on a topic they are experienced in. This will allow participants to exchange information and experiences, ask questions, and learn from each other in an informal setting. 

1 - Climate change —how cities can save the day

Anna Lisa Boni

Secretary General at EUROCITIES

2 - The global race for technological leadership – winners and losers

André Loesekrug-Pietri

Chairman and Scientific Director of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) and 2013 European Young Leader (EYL40)

3 - As US walks away, can Europe (really) save the Iran nuclear deal?

Negar Mortazavi

Journalist and 2017 MENA Young Leader (EYL40)

Free time
Dinner at the Royal Palace
Expand Dinner at the Royal Palace

The dinner will be hosted by their Majesties King and Queen of the Belgians
It brings together delegates from the worlds of politics, industry and civil society, representing the Young Mediterranean Voices and European Young Leaders’ programmes.

For those fasting during Ramadan, a buffet for Iftar has been arranged at the hotel.

Continue to DAY 2
Listening and taking action
Expand Listening and taking action

What youth really want

The session will explore youth-driven analysis of shared challenges and opportunities faced by young people in the Euro-Mediterranean region, identifying cross border commonalities and differences, discussing action-oriented proposals to develop more positive policy narratives. This is an opportunity to listen to the voices and experiences of Euro-Mediterranean youth in order to critically evaluate the role Europe plays in shaping and influencing their lives, and suggest ways in which Europe can learn to play a more constructive role in its southern neighbourhood.

  • What are the hopes and dreams of Euro-Mediterranean youth?
  • What are they looking for from their societies and what do they expect from their governments?
  • How do they see the relationship between the MENA and European regions?
  • What do they want to achieve in their own lives and what prevents them from moving forward and reaching their goals?


Elisabeth Guigou

Former president of the French National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee and Trustee of Friends of Europe

Jaafar Abdul Karim

Presenter of Shabab Talk at the Deutsche Welle TV and winner of the Mediterranean Journalist Awards

Bjørn Ihler

Founder of Khalifa-Ihler Institute and Kofi Annan Extremely Together Young Leader

Esmat Elsayed

Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV) and delegate to the Africa-EU Summit

Fadi Quran

Campaign Director at Avaaz and 2017 MENA Young Leader


Shada Islam

Managing Director at New Horizons Project

Learning and acting
Expand Learning and acting

Walking the talk on youth engagement

The session will explore youth-driven analysis of shared challenges and opportunities faced by young people in the Euro-Mediterranean region, identifying cross border commonalities and differences, discussing action-oriented proposals to develop more positive policy narratives. This is an opportunity to listen to the voices and experiences of youth in order to critically evaluate the role Europe plays in shaping and influencing their lives, and suggest ways in which Europe can learn to play a more constructive role in its southern neighbourhood.

  • National governments and international organisations have started extolling the virtues of youth engagement but are they also walking the talk through policies and actions?
  • What are the real benefits of bringing young people into the policy and decision -making machinery at the national and multilateral level?
  • In which areas would such youth involvement be especially beneficial and why?
  • Given the growing disengagement of young people from national and international institutions, which governance models at all level could help bridging the gap?


Hella Grichi

Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV)

Abdelbasset Ben Hassen

President, Arab Institute for Human Rights

Michael Köhler

Director of Neighbourhood, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission

Tarik Yousef

Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development programme at Brookings

Haia Bako

Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV)


Shada Islam

Managing Director at New Horizons Project



Photo of Jamila Aanzi
Jamila Aanzi

Member of the Dutch Appeal Advisory Committee on Childcare Allowance and 2014 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Jamila Aanzi is a leading independent strategic consultant, educator and board member. She currently serves on the Dutch government appeal advisory commission to provide advice about the childcare benefits affair. Furthermore, she is a board member of the World Press Photo and the Stichting JES Rijland, an organisation that promotes the rights of youngsters in education and society. For various international clients, Aanzi provides consulting and coaching services about leadership, empowerment, education, diversity and inclusion. Aanzi previously worked as a senior international political trainer for the Max van der Stoel Foundation, with political parties in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa on diversity, the inclusion of young people and women, EU enlargement and democracy. Previously, she was the Dutch women’s representative to the United Nations, a member of the European Elections Programme Committee of the Dutch Social Democratic Party (PvdA) and the vice president of FNV Young, the youth network of the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions.

Photo of Nabeel Abboud-Ashkar
Nabeel Abboud-Ashkar

Co-Founder & Artistic Director at Polyphony Foundation, 2017 MENA Young Leader

Show more information on Nabeel Abboud-Ashkar

A gifted violinist and visionary champion for youth and community development, Nabeel has led and inspired people from all walks of life across Israel, Europe and the U.S. He performed with, and was a spokesperson for, the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra for a decade as well as performing as a soloist with the Jerusalem Camerata and the Haifa Symphony orchestras. In 2006, Nabeel gave up his music career and returned to his hometown, the Arab-Israeli city of Nazareth, where he founded and led the Barenboim-Said Conservatory—now known as the Polyphony Conservatory—to answer the need he saw in the community for quality music programming. Nabeel has been awarded the Yoko Ono Award for Courage in the Arts for his lifelong-commitment to fostering a sense of community between young pan-Arab and Jewish musicians.

Jaafar Abdul Karim
Jaafar Abdul Karim

Presenter of Shabab Talk at the Deutsche Welle TV and winner of the Mediterranean Journalist Awards

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Presenter of Shabab Talk on Deutsche Welle Television and winner of the 2017 Med Journalist Awards. As the name implies, “Shabab Talk” brings together young people from Germany and the Arabic countries discuss current, socio-political topics. Before hosting Shabab Talk, Jaafar Abdul Karim worked as an editor and video journalist for the talk show “Jugend ohne Grenzen” (Youth without borders); he therefore commuted between Cairo and Berlin to shoot and produce his reportages for the show. Born in Liberia and raised in Switzerland and Lebanon, Jafaar Abdul Karim feels at home in both worlds. He studied Media Computer Science at the TU (Technische Universität) Dresden and at the INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) Lyon; additionally he completed a directing workshop at the London Film Academy. Now Jaafar lives in multiple cultures. This had a decisive influence on him and his life.

Photo of Abdallah Absi Halabi
Abdallah Absi Halabi

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Zoomaal, 2017 MENA Young Leader

Show more information on Abdallah Absi Halabi

Abdallah Absi is founder and CEO of Zoomal, the leading crowdfunding platform in the Middle East, which involves the top VCs in MENA, and co-founder of GivingLoop, a sustainable fundraising platform that helps non-profits focus less on fundraising and more on changing the world. Abdallah did not complete his university education, but went on to see huge successes in the entrepreneurial world, being covered by CNN, WSJ, Forbes, and others. He is also an Ashoka fellow, a Global Shaper for the World Economic Forum in the Beirut Hub, and a Startup Weekend organizer by the Kauffman foundation, and describes himself as a social mission

Hind Abu Shkhadim
Hind Abu Shkhadim

Project Coordinator and Trainer Community Development & Continuing Education Institute, (YMV)

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Hind is a Project Coordinator and Trainer at the Community Development & Continuing Education Institute, a non-governmental organization promoting the values of human rights, equality, good governance, and civic participation within the Palestinian society. Hind has led many trainings and projects in the fields of education, human rights, entrepreneurship, youth engagement, and intercultural dialogue, which helped dozens of Palestinian youth be both empowered and knowledgeable about their rights and the rights and culture of others. Hind is the Middle East-Africa 2013 winner of the Google+ Social Media Marketing Competition for a campaign to empower women and fight the negative stereotypical images of women in Palestine, and worldwide.

Mohamed Abu Snaina
Mohamed Abu Snaina

Co-Founder, Vice President & CEO Dialogue & Debate Association, (YMV)

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Mohamed has been active in civil society and democratic transformation since 2011 and in the last few years, he has been involved in the fields of debating, youth empowerment and national reconciliation. Mohamed started his career as a volunteer trainer with the international network Y-PEER and was also elected as the president of the Student Union in the faculty of engineering at Misrata University. He later co-founded the Dialogue and Debate Association where he holds the roles of Vice President and CEO. Mohamed has participated in many programs and projects that have contributed to the training and development of youth and strengthened their role in their communities with regards to civil and national reconciliation. He has taken part in in the sub-Regional Consultation on Youth, Peace and Security UNSCR 2250 and other similar events in the Netherlands with the same goal. Mohamed will carry out a mission to New York on the occasion of the Sixth Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy Review at the UN General Assembly next June as a representative of Libya.

Photo of Lina Almaeena
Lina Almaeena

Co-founder & Director of Jeddah United (JU), 2017 MENA Young Leader

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Lina is a leading figure in the sport industry in Saudi Arabia, who co-founded Jeddah United (JU), the first Saudi private sports company to train girls and boys in team sports to promote sports culture. Lina was captain of the Jeddah United Women’s basketball division up to 2012, columnist for Almadina newspaper, and climbed the Everest Base Camp as part of a breast cancer awareness campaign. Her efforts are an example of grassroots challenging of strict gender rules in Saudi Arabia, and Lina has been listed as one of the 200 Most Powerful Women in the Middle East by Forbes Magazine 2014.

Mazen Alzaro
Mazen Alzaro

Lawyer Palestinian Bar Association, (YMV)

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Mazen is a lawyer and trainer specialized in European Studies. He is also the Palestinian representative of the International Debate Education Association (IDEA). Mazen is considered to be a peacebuilder by the United Nations Alliance of Civilization (UNAOC). He has also worked with many international associations and universities such as Virginia University and was a scholar at the Risk Network “SAR” in the field of human rights and legal research. He coaches debate at more than 10 Palestinian universities, schools and NGOs and has won many prizes such as the title of Best Debater in Palestine in 2014 . He is interested in the fields of human rights and youth empowerment.

Ines Amri
Ines Amri

Senior Researcher at Einstein Center Digital Future and Technical University of Berlin, 2017 MENA Young Leader

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Ines is a Berlin-based Senior Researcher at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and the Technische Universität (TU) Berlin, working mainly in the field of platform economies and digitization in North Africa, with a focus on Tunisia. An Award-winning social impact entrepreneur and Innovation consultant, Ines has extensive experience in international development, public policies, and managing cooperations. Before joining TU Berlin, she was the Director of Strategic Partnerships at Amparo GmbH, a Berlin-based start-up revolutionizing prosthetics and health care access to amputees. She is now acting as an advisor to the startup mission in bringing Amparo technology to low-middle income and humanitarian contexts. Before moving to Berlin, she worked as a Senior consultant to prominent Tunisian and international organizations in the fields of management, innovation, democracy, elections, innovation and entrepreneurship. She was also the Managing Director of the Maghreb Economic Forum (MEF), a think tank in Tunis.

Haia Bako
Haia Bako

Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV)

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Haia has been an active volunteer with the “Madrasati Initiative”, which focuses on schools in Jordan. She finds joy in giving to others. Haia has always been an active member in civic and social associations and, as a believer in feminism and female empowerment, came up with an initiative during her sophomore year with a group of youth that aims to raise awareness of early marriage issues among under age girls. Haia also participated in Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, which was held in Vienna in March 2018. Furthermore, she is involved in international initiatives such as Young Arab Voices and Young Mediterranean Voices Plus. The former is an international debate competition and over the years, she has attained the title of Master Trainer and, together with her team, won several international competitions. The latter is the initiative of High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU Federica Mogherini regarding MENA and Europe which aims to redefine EU South politics through youth participation. 

Khalaf Ben Abdallah
Khalaf Ben Abdallah

Vice President Al Montada Organization, (YMV)

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Khalaf is a medical student at the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis and has over four years of experience with Tunisian and international civil society. An education and youth inclusion advocator and social entrepreneur, Khalaf has successfully co-founded various social start up projects in Tunis and internal regions in Tunisia, empowering more than 500 high school students with entrepreneurial thinking skills. Khalaf is currently the Project Manager and Vice President at Al Montada, an organization that aims to rethink higher education in Tunisia. He led the Forum Project which aims to increase students’ inclusion in the reform process by bringing together the different stakeholders in the field (students, professors, deputies from the Parliament, universitiy presidents, employers and civil society representatives) in order to achieve quality education. He is currently lobbying the Tunisian parliament for students’ inclusion in the reform process. Khalaf is also working on implementing a Policy Incubation Lab in Tunisian universities to make policy making more inclusive, visionary and data driven. He recently became an Ashoka Changemakers for MENA, Europe and Turkey and had the chance to be a part of the Tunisian Delegation who met Helen Clark, a UNDP Administrator, to discuss her Youth Socio Economic Inclusion plan in Tunisia and the possible ways to engage youth in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.

Abdelbasset Ben Hassen
Abdelbasset Ben Hassen

President, Arab Institute for Human Rights

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Abdelbasset Ben Hassen is the President of the Arab Institute for Human Rights. Abdelbasset is also the chairman of the Tunisian national committee for the support of refugees and served as a member of the high committee for the realization of the objectives of the revolution, political reform and democratic transition. Previously, he taught Human Rights in Tunis and Strasbourg, and has written extensively on human rights, human rights education and culture. He was a member of the drafting committee of the United Nations World Program on Human Rights Education.

Ahmed Ben Mussa
Ahmed Ben Mussa

Founder and Managing Director of Majaal and 2017 MENA Young Leader

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Ahmed Ben Mussa is an energy expert with ten years of experience in operations and business development of the oil service industry in the United States, Egypt and Libya. He currently manages a creative construction company Majaal. Prior to this, Ben Mussa worked as Chief Commercial Officer at Tatweer Research, a leading Libyan technological organisation with a focus on nurturing the country’s young potential, supporting entrepreneurs and attracting international expertise and investment. Before that, he worked with the UN World Food Programme in Libya where he conducted food security assessments on the field.

Photo of Anna Lisa Boni
Anna Lisa Boni

Secretary General at EUROCITIES

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Anna Lisa Boni is secretary general of Eurocities, the leading network of European cities. She has over 20 years experience in EU public affairs in the field of local and regional government, having been director of the Brussels office of the French region Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur. In addition, Anna Lisa has worked for the city of Bologna in Italy, with European and international networks and the European Parliament. Anna Lisa is a committed to working for a stronger recognition of cities challenges within the European agenda, as well as finding constructive solutions to these.

Fatima Boulahdoud
Fatima Boulahdoud

European Volunteer Die Villa Sociocultural CenterLeipzig, Germany (YMV)

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Fatima is a social worker in Morocco, with a degree in linguistics and experience from working for national and international organisations. She is Co-Founder of the Debate Club of the South in the frame of Young Arab voices programme and has occupied different positions during her professional career. Currently, she leads a project on citizen journalism in the southern cities of Morocco, which aims to train 50 young people from five cities in journalism to make the voices of their communities heard. Moreover, Fatima has been involved with other projects related to children, education, culture and citizenship, with a particular focus on youngsters through two projects by her organisation Radijojo for children, “We are the future of Morocco” and “Asalamo Alaykom”. In 2012, she received the World Summit Youth Award in Canada for her work with the Radijojo organisation in the field of media-based education and the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations.Fatima joined the YMV+ as a Young Arab voices in 2012.  

Yostina Boules
Yostina Boules

Founder & Managing Director at Taqa Solutions, 2017 MENA Young Leader

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Yostina Boules, dubbed “the magic machine” by farm owners, is Founder and Managing Director of Taqa Solutions, an Egyptian based organisation aiming to provide a clean and independent energy source to farmers by producing energy from poultry waste. By doing this, the Taqa solutions simultaneously addresses the problem of waste management from one of Egypt’s main agricultural industries, while maximising clean energy production. Yostina was selected as a Pioneer of Egypt after becoming a finalist on El Mashrou3, an entrepreneurship reality television competition.

Photo of Hala Bugaighis
Hala Bugaighis

Co-Founder of Jusoor and 2017 MENA Young Leader

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Hala Bugaighis is a lawyer and co-founder of Jusoor, a non-governmental organisation committed to independent policy research and human development projects for women with focus on the economic and social empowerment. As a lawyer with 15 years of experience, Hala focuses on commercial, banking, civil and investment laws, and has a sound understanding of law practice in an international context. Through her private companies, Hala has worked as a consultant to many international companies as well as Libyan private and public entities, focusing on development and capacity building. In 2015, Hala was nominated a UN Women Champion for Women Economic Empowerment – an initiative that aims to improve women’s economic standing and potential around the world.

Martin Buxant
Martin Buxant

Journalist and 2015-2016 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Martin Buxant is the former editor-in-chief at LN24. He has been a reporter for La Libre Belgique and De Morgen, as well as an editor for the television programme “Politiquement Correct” on RTL-TVI during the most recent legislative and regional elections in Belgium. He has previously worked at the daily business newspaper L’Echo, where he served as both a political journalist and an editor. Buxant appears daily on the Bel-RTL television channel, where he conducted a political interview every morning. He is an accomplished author having most recently published a biography of the current Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders. Martin Buxant first entered the world of journalism in 2002, initially as a European correspondent and later as a political journalist.

Photo of Geert Cami
Geert Cami

Co-Founder and Secretary General of Friends of Europe, and Co-Founder and Co-Secretary General of the Africa-Europe Foundation

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Geert Cami co-founded Friends of Europe, the action-oriented think tank, which in 2011 launched both its citizen’s platform, Debating Europe and its European Young Leaders Programme. In 2015, Friends of Europe integrated the Security and Defence agenda thinktank. As Secretary General, Geert mainly deals with the strategic development of Friends of Europe, coordinating the work of the high-level Boards involved in the governance of the organisation and chairing the Leadership meetings. He oversees both the financial health and the successful running of the organisation and its flagship initiatives and focuses on the expansion and the activation of Friends of Europe’s vast network of trustees, European young leaders and other senior political, corporate, media and societal contacts and partners throughout the world.

 In 2019, Geert founded TownHall Europe (the Davignon Centre for New Leadership) and in 2020, he co-founded the Africa-Europe Foundation (AEF) in partnership with the Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF).

 Geert headed the European conference organising, press relations and publishing company Forum Europe for more than ten years, and managed the revival of one of Belgium’s finest architectural examples of Art Nouveau, after creating La Maison de l’Europe in the prestigious 100-year-old Bibliothèque Solvay.

 At the outset of his career, Geert worked for a few years in the Humanitarian Office of the European Commission as a deputy in the newly set-up information and communications unit. His focus was mainly on raising the profile of the EU’s humanitarian efforts throughout the world, through publications and media initiatives such as exhibitions, television debates or Humanitarian Days in Member States.

 He also worked briefly as a teacher and TV journalist for two music programmes at Belgian public Radio 1.

Photo of Edoardo Camilli
Edoardo Camilli

Co-Founder & CEO at Hozint - Horizon Intelligence and 2017 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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A young entrepreneur and security expert, Edoardo started working as a political and security risk consultant after graduating from the University of Bologna. In 2010, he established the International Security Observer, a web-based think tank seeking to foster the next generation of security experts. At the time, he was also working as a research analyst at the Italian Institute of Strategic Studies Niccolò Machiavelli, where his activities focused on insurgency, intelligence, national security policies and organised crime. Edoardo is the co-founder of Hozint (Horizon Intelligence), a consulting firm providing location-based media and social media monitoring services on political, safety and security risks. He is frequently interviewed on security issues by media in Italy and across Europe.

Jasmina Cibic
Jasmina Cibic

Filmmaker, sculptor and artist who explores how political rhetoric is deployed through art and architecture and 2014 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Jasmina works across a range of media including photography, performance, installation and video. Most often characterised as a visual artist, her artwork is focused on the positioning and analysing of space vis-à-vis other societal categories. She is the author of numerous exhibitions which have been shown all over Europe, as well as the recipient of prestigious Slovenian, European and international awards, including the Bevilacqua la Masa (Venice 2002 and 2005), the Slovenian Trend Award for Outstanding Achievements in Visual Art (2011), and the Catlin Commission Award (London, 2011). She represented Slovenia at the 55th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.

Paul Dujardin
Paul Dujardin

Former CEO and artistic director at BOZAR

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Paul Dujardin is CEO and artistic director of the Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR) in Brussels, and under his direction the Centre has turned into an internationally recognised, multi-and-interdisciplinary arts centre. Paul is involved in driving forward the European project, and has developed BOZAR into a platform to initiate debate between citizens, the arts, decision-makers and other sectors, and he is the animator of the steering committee of the ‘New Narrative for Europe’ project, which aims to give Europe a more cultural vision for the future. Previously, Paul was CEO of the Société Philharmonique de Bruxelles, and in charge of the annual Ars Musica festival. In 2016, Paul received the Lobby Award 2016 Brussels Leader of the Year for his work in reenergising Brussels.

Esmat Elsayed
Esmat Elsayed

Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV) and delegate to the Africa-EU Summit

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Esmat is passionate about structured cross-cultural dialogue and debates. She is a founder of the Young Arab Voices Project in Egypt, which started in 2011 with the Anna Lindh Foundation and the British Council. She is also a debate trainer and adjudicator. Esmat has co-founded 2 national initiatives in Egypt: “Debate for Life” and “Engaging-Empowerment Egyptian Youth (EYouth)”, which worked on training Egyptian youth in debating, dialogue and entrepreneurial skills. Esmat is one of the 36 Youth Fellows of the AU-EU Youth Plug initiative who designed and wrote the Youth Agenda presented to heads of states at the Abidjan Summit in November 2017. Esmat worked on the Governance and Political inclusion section, which created three initiatives to enhance AU–EU cooperation in the areas of decentralization of governance, illicit financial flows and utilizing e-governence tools to enhance transparency and accountability across AU and EU member states

Ulla Engelmann
Ulla Engelmann

Head of unit, European Commission Directorate-General for the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs

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Ulla Engelmann is Head of Unit of Clusters, Social economy and Entrepreneurship at DG Grow, the European Commission Directorate-General for the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs. Previously, Ulla worked at the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the in-house science service of the European Commission. She began working at the JRC as a post-doc in fusion research, and moved on to manage various units (communication, international relations, and others) in Ispra and Brussels.

Mary Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzgerald

Non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute, and Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence & Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Mary Fitzgerald is a researcher and analyst specialising in the Mediterranean region with a particular focus on Libya. She has consulted for a number of international organisations including in the areas of peacebuilding and civil society. She has worked with the International Crisis Group (ICG), the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) among others. She is a Non-Resident Scholar at the Middle East Institute in Washington DC, an Associate Fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, King’s College London and an Associate Fellow at ISPI in Milan. Mary has also worked on wider initiatives with UNESCO, the Anna Lindh Foundation, the British Council and other cultural organisations. Her writing has appeared in publications including Foreign Policy, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Financial Times and The Guardian.

Julie Foulon
Julie Foulon

Founder and CEO at Girleek

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Julie Foulon is co-founder of MolenGeek, a socially conscious tech ecosystem based in one of the poorer Brussels neighbourhoods. It aims to make technology and entrepreneurship more accessible, especially to youth who lack academic backgrounds. It is also a start-up incubator and offers coding lessons for free. They pursue a vision in which young people take active roles in shaping the future rather than adapting to it. Before MolenGeek, Julie founded Girleek, a platform seeking to promote female engagement in Tech. She was also at the head of BetaGroup, the largest Tech ecosystem from Belgium, composed of over 8000 members.

Elisabeth Guigou
Elisabeth Guigou

Former president of the French National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Elisabeth Guigou is president of the Anna Lindh Foundation, a network of civil society organisations dedicated to promoting intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region. Before this appointment, Guigou served as French Minister of European Affairs, member of the European Parliament, and member of the French National Assembly, among numerous other posts. In addition to this, Guigou was the first female to be appointed Minister of Justice in France, where she distinguished herself for her fight for a more independent justice system.

Hella Grichi
Hella Grichi

Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV)

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Hella’s experience with Young Arab Voices started in 2014 and inspired her to immerse herself in civil society, grassroots activism and women’s empowerment. With the École Normale Supérieure debate team, she won the Tunisian national debate competition and was the fourth best debater. Hella is also a Co-Founder of Aspire to Inspire, an initiative aiming to promote English Spoken Word poetry in Tunis and is currently very active with the socio-cultural grassroots initiative called “Blech 7ess” (Without Noise), focused on pairing the promotion of art with social dimensions. Being a writer herself, she recently published a few works and is also writing lyrics for local bands. She has worked for the German embassy in Tunis since 2017.

Sami Hourani
Sami Hourani

Founder and Executive Director of Leaders of Tomorrow, 2017 MENA Young Leader

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Sami Hourani is medical doctor and serial social entrepreneur. He is the founding director of the well-known educational platform For9a.com. Dr. Hourani is also the founder and the executive director of the regional organization Leaders of Tomorrow and the innovative social initiatives; Diwanieh, Mo7aka and the new and creative qualitative research methodology FADFED. He is a fellow at Ashoka, largest hub for social innovators world wide. He received King Abdullah II Demoqrati award in 2014 and EUROMED youth award in 2013. He was also elected as the Jordanian Role Model of 2011 and received the Jordanian title “Knight of Change” in 2008.

Bjørn Ihler
Bjørn Ihler

Founder of Khalifa-Ihler Institute and Kofi Annan Extremely Together Young Leader

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Bjørn Ihler is an international counter extremism expert and activist working as a filmmaker, editor and writer to develop spaces for dialogue and peace-building between different people and communities. In 2016, he co-founded the Khalifa Ihler Institute that works for peace through knowledge, technology and design. Since 2016 Bjørn has also been part of the Kofi Annan Foundation initiative Extremely Together, and he explores means of countering violent extremism as one of ten young leaders in the field from across the world. Bjørn is building his work on a foundation in communication, technology, data and computational sociology as well as his academic background in peace and conflict studies.

Photo of Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica

Deputy Speaker and Member of the Latvian Parliament, former parliamentary state secretary of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Trustee of Friends of Europe & 2017 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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A Latvian politician, Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica is a Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, the Latvian parliament, where she sits on the Committee of Foreign Affairs and Committee of European Affairs. She serves as a Head of the Latvian Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Previously, Kalniņa-Lukaševica held numerous posts at the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including as the parliamentary secretary, in which role she was responsible for ensuring cooperation between the ministry, the Latvian parliament and the European Parliament. She has also represented the Latvian government at the EU Foreign Affairs Council meetings of development and trade ministers. Kalniņa-Lukaševica started her professional career at Jurmala’s city council and then went on to work at the Strategic Analysis Commission of the President of Latvia, where she served as an advisor to the president.

Dharmendra Kanani
Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

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Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani was director of policy at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). He was the England director at the Big Lottery Fund, the largest independent funder in the UK and fourth largest in the world. Dharmendra has held senior positions in the public and voluntary sectors and advisor to numerous ministerial policy initiatives across the UK.

Photo of Assita Kanko
Assita Kanko

Member of European Parliament and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Assita is a Belgian author, politician and entrepreneur. Previously a town councillor in Ixelles (one of the largest districts of Brussels), she is a popular media commentator, a columnist for newspaper De Standaard and founder of Polin – the political incubator a start-up to help women enter and advance in politics in Belgium. Growing up as a child in Burkina Faso, Kanko underwent female genital mutilation. After immigrating from the west African nation to Belgium, she became one of the most important fighters for gender equality and women’s rights. Having initially integrated the liberal party, she has since moved to the Flemish conservative party and aims to maintain her advocacy for fairness. She wrote two books on feminism and the position of women.

Jesse Klaver
Jesse Klaver

Member of the Dutch House of Representatives, Leader of the Dutch green party GroenLinks, Trustee of Friends of Europe and 2018 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Jesse Klaver currently serves as the green-left party leader in the Dutch parliament, with a mandate focused on environmental and educational issues. In his time as party leader, Klaver was instrumental in capturing 10 additional parliamentary seats, rising to an all-time high of 14, and making GroenLinks the fifth most important group in the House. Previously, Klaver was the spokesperson for finance, environment and education, and sat on a wide range of parliamentary committees. He has publically opposed tax evasion and has co-authored a memo on protecting the Dutch flora and fauna.

Sherin Khankan
Sherin Khankan

Founder of Mariam Mosque

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Sherin Khankan is Denmark’s first female imam, and Founder of a women-led mosque in Copenhagen, where she aims to provide a more welcoming atmosphere for female worshippers and challenge growing islamophobia and misconceptions surrounding the religion. She is also an activist on Muslim issues including female integration and extremism, and has written extensively on the relationship between Islam and politics. Sherin is a sociologist of religion and philosophy, specialising in contemporary Islamic activism in Europe and the Middle East. Previously, she founded Critical Muslims, an organisation that promotes female Muslim leadership. Sherin has also stood for parliament as a candidate for the Radical Left Party.

Silvana Koch-Mehrin
Silvana Koch-Mehrin

Founder and President of Women Political Leaders (WPL)

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An expert on gender equality, Silvana Koch-Mehrin founded and leads WPL, the worldwide network of women politicians. The independent, non-partisan and not-for-profit foundation aims to increase both the number and the influence of women in political leadership. A member of the European Leadership Network (ELN) and the Global Advisory Network of Apolitical Academy Global, Koch-Mehrin sits on the boards of the Council of Women World Leaders, a network of women presidents and prime ministers, and the advisory board of PINK! She is also a Senior Advisor at Binance and Venture Partner at Conny&Co. Notably, she represented the EU in the Executive Committee of W20, an official engagement group of the G20. Previously, Koch-Mehrin served as a vice-president and member of the European Parliament, prior to which she founded a public affairs consultancy.

Michael Köhler
Michael Köhler

Director of Neighbourhood, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission

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Michael Köhler has been Director of Neighbourhood Policy since 2015, in this capacity he is responsible for cooperation with Mediterranean Arab countries and Israel. Since joining the European Commission he has held many positions including Director for the Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood in the Directorate General for Development and International Cooperation; Head of Cabinet to the Commissioner for Energy; and Head of Cabinet to the Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. He previously worked as a representative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Morocco and Tunisia, and in the Policy Planning Department of the Federal Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development in Germany. He has authored numerous books and articles on international Islamic studies and foreign policy. He is also a Professor of Europe and the Mediterranean at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.

André Loesekrug-Pietri
André Loesekrug-Pietri

Chairman and Scientific Director of the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) and 2013 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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André Loesekrug-Pietri is an entrepreneur and has held leadership positions in private equity, government and industry. He is currently the Chairman of JEDI, which aims to accelerate Europe’s leadership by financing and nurturing the development of breakthrough technologies. He previously served as a special advisor to the French Minister of Defence, where he was responsible for European defence policy, as well as technology and innovation, prior to which he has 15 years of experience in private equity and venture capital. Loesekrug-Pietri is a lecturer at Sciences Po and a regular columnist at several international media outlets. Having studied aerospace engineering, he is also a private pilot and Colonel with the French Air Force People’s Reserve.

Adele Luta
Adele Luta

Scientist, Eleda International, 2017 North American Young Leader

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Adele is an expert in strategic cognitive skills, advanced theory of mind, and applied physics. Her research focuses on operators in time-limited, life-critical, restricted communication environments and how they employ Theory of Mind (ToM) in their mission. Adele’s previous experience includes working as a NASA Flight Controller/Astronaut Instructor, in which role she provided support for over 90 US Space Shuttle, International Space Station (ISS), and Russian spacewalks, and trained five Shuttle crews and two ISS increments in Extra Vehicle Activity (EVA). In addition to her current work as a Research Affiliate at MIT, she has also recently been appointed by the United States of America as a technical team member to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Science and Technology Organization through its Collaborative Support Office.

Rihab Mejri
Rihab Mejri

Civil Society Activist, (YMV)

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Rihab is an English teacher and civil society activist. She also co-founded the youth initiative ‘Aspire to Inspire’, which has organised numerous events for Tunisian youth, the most important of which is an annual spoken poetry event that gives young people a platform to express their concerns and passions in a creative way. As a teacher, Rihab is also in charge of educating and supervising students in remote areas of the country and introduces them to the world of debate. She has been a debater and judge in the Young Arab Voices programme since 2013 and a member of the focus group that helped upgrade the programme into Young Mediterranean Voices+. Rihab is an English teacher and civil society activist. She also co-founded the youth initiative ‘Aspire to Inspire’, which has organised numerous events for Tunisian youth, the most important of which is an annual spoken poetry event that gives young people a platform to express their concerns and passions in a creative way. As a teacher, Rihab is also in charge of educating and supervising students in remote areas of the country and introduces them to the world of debate. She has been a debater and judge in the Young Arab Voices programme since 2013 and a member of the focus group that helped upgrade the programme into Young Mediterranean Voices+.

Ayman Mhanna
Ayman Mhanna

Executive Director of the Samir Kassir Foundation and 2017 MENA Young Leader

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Ayman Mhanna is Executive Director of the Beirut-based Samir Kassir Foundation, one of the leading press freedom NGOs in the Middle East. In this capacity, he oversees the foundation’s advocacy, monitoring, research and training activities. Ayman has previously held the position of Executive Director of the Global Forum for Media Development, focusing on monitoring violations targeting journalists and providing them with the necessary support. He has also extensively worked with issues related to election observation, electoral reform and civil society involvement. Until recently, he was a lecturer on policy development and communications at Saint Joseph University in Beirut. In 2016, he was appointed Secretary-General of the Democratic Renewal Movement, a secular, social-liberal political party in Lebanon.

Photo of Negar Mortazavi
Negar Mortazavi

Journalist and 2017 MENA Young Leader (EYL40)

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Negar Mortazavi is an Iranian-American journalist and columnist, who exclusively covers stories about Iran in both English and Persian. She is also the host of the Iran Podcast and a frequent commentator on Iranian affairs at MSNBC, BBC, PRI, The New York Times, Aljazeera, HuffPost and international outlets across the world, including Lebanon, Iraq, Israel, Turkey, Switzerland and Japan. Mortazavi previously worked as a TV presenter at Voice of America (VOA) Persian, where she hosted a daily hour-long interactive show that discussed current affairs with Iranians across the world.

Photo of Katarzyna Nawrot
Katarzyna Nawrot

Professor, Poznan University of Economics and Business and member Committee of Future Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

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A Polish economist, Katarzyna is currently a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee for Future Studies Poland 2000 Plus. Her research interests include development, cultural and international economics, with a focus on East Asian markets. Katarzyna’s work also explores challenges to global development. Having lectured at universities across Asia, Africa and Europe, she has worked on several research projects for the European Commission and the National Bureau of Research in Poland, among other international institutions, as well as national and local governments. Her academic achievements have been recognised by numerous awards, including one for outstanding young scholars from Poland’s Minister of Science and Higher Education. Katarzyna has published numerous articles and books on issues relating to development, governance, integration and regional cooperation, most recently having co-edited “The Rise of Megacities: Challenges, Opportunities and Unique Characteristics”.

Rory Newbery
Rory Newbery

Intercultural Exchange Coordinator, TCFT (The Complete Freedom of Truth)-Europe (TCFT); (YMV)

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Rory is a coordinator of intercultural exchange for young artists and cultural producers across Europe and the MENA region at TCFT, which won the EU Citizens Prize in 2015. He is a student of Arabic & Middle Eastern Studies, with a research focus on Cultural Policy in the MENA region. Through his work at local and European level, Rory advocates for increased institutional support for cultural exchange across the EU and wider Euro-Mediterranean region and works with policymakers and civil society leaders to encourage support for more intercultural opportunities and more sustainable resources for existing youth-led initiatives. With NGO experience across the EU, Morocco & the United Arab Emirates, Rory’s aim is to encourage more young people in rural and post-conflict communities to contribute to civic life and experience new cultures.

Baha Eddine Obeidi
Baha Eddine Obeidi

Co-Founder, Souf Academy; Project Coordinator,YEP project; (YMV)

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Baha is a power engineering graduate and Co-Founder of Souf Academy, a social enterprise working on youth employment and entrepreneurship. Committed to youth involvement in policy making and economic development, Baha is part of the Young Mediterranean Voices+ initiative and several other non-profit organisations and initiatives. Baha, a certified Silatech career guidance advisor, is also the current project coordinator of World Learning’s Youth Employment Project in El Oued, where he also serves as a volunteer English teacher and soft skills and debate trainer at Souf Academy Career Center. Baha was chosen in 2017 with seven young people from Algeria to be part of Young visitors Leaders Program led by the U.S. Embassy, a four-week programme focusing on unemployment issues and best practices of managing career centres in Algeria.

Baha Eddine Obeidi
Baha Eddine Obeidi

Co-Founder, Souf Academy; Project Coordinator,YEP project; (YMV)

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Baha is a power engineering graduate and Co-Founder of Souf Academy, a social enterprise working on youth employment and entrepreneurship. Committed to youth involvement in policy making and economic development, Baha is part of the Young Mediterranean Voices+ initiative and several other non-profit organisations and initiatives. Baha, a certified Silatech career guidance advisor, is also the current project coordinator of World Learning’s Youth Employment Project in El Oued, where he also serves as a volunteer English teacher and soft skills and debate trainer at Souf Academy Career Center. Baha was chosen in 2017 with seven young people from Algeria to be part of Young visitors Leaders Program led by the U.S. Embassy, a four-week programme focusing on unemployment issues and best practices of managing career centres in Algeria.

Yousra Qawasma
Yousra Qawasma

Programme Development Consultant, The Hebron Youth Development Resource Center (YDRC), Young Mediterranean Voices

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Yousra is a programme development consultant and debate trainer at Hebron YDRC Organisation in Palestine. In this role, she is working on developing debate programmes in the city of Hebron. As a result of her good work, YMV staff chose her to be the contact person for Palestine, and she participated in writing the new YMV manual in Tunisia (March, 2018). Furthermore, she is a news editor at Al-Hurriyah Network Agency in Palestine where she covers youth events and activities as well as political and social news. Yousra is also a Dabka trainer (Palestinian Folk- Dance) and regularly teaches people, especially girls, how to dance Dabka. She has participated in many youth conferences, such as the Policy Dialogue with the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU Federica Mogherini in Brussels in 2017, and Universities International Musical Festival and Conference in Tunisia in 2012.  

Fadi Quran
Fadi Quran

Campaign Director at Avaaz and 2017 MENA Young Leader

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Fadi Quran is a leading figure in Palestine, committed to achieving freedom, justice and dignity for the Palestinian people. As Campaign Director at Avaaz, a global online civic movement, he is responsible for the organisation’s campaigning and investigative efforts on issues including human rights, democracy, poverty and conflict. His leadership has helped push for legislation on Big Tech and he has featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post and BBC, among other news outlets. Fadi is a community organiser for Popular Struggle, a policy member of the Al-Shabaka Palestinian Policy Network and a former United Nations advocacy officer. In addition to his work in advocacy and international law, Fadi is also a renewable energy entrepreneur in MENA, with a focus on shifting the region away from fossil fuels. He has founded two companies, bringing wind and solar energy power to Palestine and other countries in the region.

Soufiyan Saaoudi
Soufiyan Saaoudi

Reporter and Founder, Youth Empowerment Society, (YMV)

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Soufiyan is Founder of the Youth Empowerment Society (YES) in Tiflet, Morocco and also works there as a reporter. YES is an independent youth initiative, and their vision is based on creating a small society that gathers young people to enable them and to exchange expertise and skills in the domain of debates by spreading the culture of dialogue. They also aim to embed the principles of democracy and gender equality by working on women empowerment projects, such as “Make Your Voice Heard”, which is financed by IRI. He also works as a reporter for the website, IJNET.

Roba Salaheddin
Roba Salaheddin

Pharmacy Student, Lebanese International University, (YMV)

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Roba is a pharmacy student at the Lebanese International University who is particularly interested in women’s rights and youth empowerment. In 2017, she participated in the EU High-Representative for Foreign Affairs “Regional Youth Policy Forum, as well as the EU Info Soiree in Beirut. Her interests have also led to her participation in the “Arab Feminist Conference” and in the Dafa Campaign, which supports people in Lebanon, whether Lebanese citizens or Syrian refugees.

Christian Scharling
Christian Scharling

Youth Activist and Student, Sciences Po; (YMV)

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Christian is a youth activist who is currently finishing his second master’s degree at Sciences Po. Having been elected President of the International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY) at age 20, he is the youngest person in history to have held the presidency of a major international political youth federation. From 2014-2016, Christian was an elected member of the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe, where he worked on young people’s participation and access to local democracy. He also played a key role in the adoption of the first European legal document on young people’s access to human rights, a resolution by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers in 2016. Christian is an advocate for LGBT rights, having volunteered for several years with a local organisation in Denmark that empowers LGBT youth. He was recently awarded best orator of the 2018 French rounds of the Jessup.  

Andreas Schleicher
Andreas Schleicher

Director for Education and Skills, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

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Andreas is an award-winning German statistician and researcher in the field of education. In his role at the OECD, he is responsible for promoting the organisation’s work on education and skills. This includes studies such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) or the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). Before joining the OECD, Andreas was Director for Analysis at the International Association for Educational Achievement (IEA).

Ibrahim Sorri
Ibrahim Sorri

Journalist; President, Zarqa Youth Council, (YMV)

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Ibrahim is a journalist, coordinator and news director at “ENTIKHABATE Initiative”, the Al Waseet Company for Community Development and Awareness, which is a local non-profit organization. He works in the fields of democratic and political awareness in Jordan with a focus on the empowerment of youth and women. In his work, he focuses on simplifying election laws for citizens to ensure that they exercise their right to vote and to monitor the councils they have elected. He is also the president of Zarqa Youth Council (Shadow Municipality Council) to empower young people and integrate Syrian refugees. He recently became a founding member of the Community Protection Network – Zarqa, to reduce violence and extremism. He was also the leader of a campaign that succeeded in revoking article 308 of the Jordanian Penal Code, which exempts a rapist from prison once he is married to the victim. In addition to being a master debate trainer, he seeks to spread the culture of debate in his community. He has participated in many local and international events and won second place in the Jordanian Youth Voices debate championship.  

Paul Walton
Paul Walton

Executive Director of the Africa-Europe Foundation

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Paul Walton is Executive Director of the Africa-Europe Foundation. He has extensive international experience in leading organisations and multi-country programmes. including more than 15 years working and living in Africa and the Middle East. Paul has been in the vanguard of inter-regional cooperation and was former director of strategy at the 43-country Mediterranean Foundation, working from its headquarters in Egypt. He was member of the steering group mandated by the UN Security Council to produce the first global study on ‘Youth, Peace and Security’ and the taskforce to create structures for dialogue among the EU, civil society and authorities following the historic events of the Arab Spring. Paul began his international career as the founding director of the landmark UK Millennium Project ‘Youth 2000’ and was CEO of the award-winning international NGO ‘Global Voice’. As an analyst of global affairs, he is a Visiting Lecturer at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies and has been interviewed in the BBC, Al Arabiya and The New York Times.

Tarik Yousef
Tarik Yousef

Senior Fellow, Global Economy and Development programme at Brookings

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Tarik Yousef is a Senior Fellow in the Global Economy and Development programme and the Director of the Brookings Doha Center. He has worked extensively in the academic world, as well as in the public policy arena, with experience from the IMF, the World Bank and the UN, and more recently from the NGO Silatech. He is a development expert on the economies of the Middle East and North Africa. Tarik has also served on the advisory boards of development organisations and boards of directors of financial institutions.

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