Ukraine Security Forum: a tipping point for Europe’s security and democracy

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Peace, Security & Defence
Friends of Europe Ukraine Security Summit: tipping point for Europe’s security and democracy 2024

What happened?

With Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine entering its third year and Europe facing the most significant threat from Moscow since the end of the Cold War, we have reached a tipping point for security and democracy on the old continent. Taking stock of these existential and unprecedented risks, the Summit gathered senior decision-makers, business leaders, civil society representatives and experts from both sides of the Atlantic to chart a course forward.

To intellectually engage policymakers and our populations on what is at stake, the Forum launched a special report on the cost and consequences of Ukraine’s non-victory for both Ukraine and Europe.

The event is a flagship event of the new Ukraine Initiative we have established to complement existing official efforts to reiterate the importance of upholding support for Ukraine as an essential contribution to our democracy. The objective was to activate an expansive and impactful platform for advocating the strategic importance of long-term political, economic and military support for Ukraine and its Euro-Atlantic ambitions.

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Welcome and Registration for Frozen Assets Roundtable Debate (Invitation Only)
ROUNDTABLE DEBATE – Unfreezing frozen assets for the public good
Expand ROUNDTABLE DEBATE – Unfreezing frozen assets for the public good

A coalition of experts will investigate complexities surrounding the utilization of Russian frozen assets. The session will also explore potential avenues for deploying these resources to serve Ukraine as it seeks to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

(This session is by invitation only under the Chatham House Rule)

Discussants include

Lee Buchheit

Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh Law School and Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe

Benoit Cormier

Director of Strategy and Communications business for Teneo

Georges Dallemagne

Member of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium

Jan De Pauw

Special Envoy for Ukraine, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Wouter De Vriendt

Member of Parliament at the House of Representatives of Belgium; Group Leader Ecolo-Groen

Benjamin Haddad

Member of the French National Assembly

Heli Hirsik

Legal Advisor at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the European Union

Denys Maliuska

Ukrainian Minister of Justice

Andriy Pyshnyy

Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

Vladyslav Rashkovan

Alternative Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Maria Repko

Deputy Director at the Centre for Economic Strategy

Registration to the public discussion panel & welcome coffee
PUBLIC PANEL DISCUSSION – Official launch of "The “Cost of Inaction” study Expand PUBLIC PANEL DISCUSSION – Official launch of "The “Cost of Inaction” study

Friends of Europe will launch a new study, entitled “The Cost of Inaction”, which presents an assessment of three conceivable scenarios, and considers their impacts, as the war in Ukraine continues. The study considers these potential outcomes from a geopolitical and geoeconomic perspective and focuses on four thematic areas: security, economic, energy, agricultural, and demographic.

During this launch, a panel of policymakers and thought leaders will reflect on the war in Ukraine and the associated impacts for Euro-Atlantic security as well as the potential escalation risks and shifting global power dynamics in a shifting international order. Reflecting on the scenarios outlined in the report, a distinguished panel will also consider the present and future impacts of war in Ukraine on: economic conditions, agricultural productivity, demographic changes, and energy security.


Petra Gombalova

Head of Ukrainian Division at the European External Action Service

Gert Jan Koopman

European Commission Director-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

Oleksandra Matviichuk

Head of the Centre for Civil Liberties, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and 2023 European Young Leader (EYL40)

Jonas Ohman

Head of the Blue/Yellow NGO

Kajsa Ollongren

Minister of Defence of the Netherlands

Matteo Patrone

Vice President for Banking at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Hanno Pevkur

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia

Andriy Pyshnyy

Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

Kadri Simson

European Commissioner for Energy

Oleksandr Scherba

Ambassador-at-large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Jean Van Wetter

Managing Director of the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel)

Ukraine Initiative Steering Board and Participants

Ukraine Initiative Steering Board and Participants

Lee Buchheit
Lee Buchheit

Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh Law School and Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe

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Lee Buchheit is an Honorary Professor at University of Edinburgh Law School. Specialising in sovereign debt management, Buchheit has worked on over two dozen sovereign debt restructurings. He led the international legal teams advising the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Iraq in their debt restructurings, the two largest sovereign debt workouts in history. Buchheit is the author of two books on international law and over 40 scholarly papers on sovereign debt matters.

Photo of Geert Cami
Geert Cami

Co-Founder and Secretary General of Friends of Europe, and Co-Founder and Co-Secretary General of the Africa-Europe Foundation

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Geert Cami co-founded Friends of Europe, the action-oriented think tank, which in 2011 launched both its citizen’s platform, Debating Europe and its European Young Leaders Programme. In 2015, Friends of Europe integrated the Security and Defence agenda thinktank. As Secretary General, Geert mainly deals with the strategic development of Friends of Europe, coordinating the work of the high-level Boards involved in the governance of the organisation and chairing the Leadership meetings. He oversees both the financial health and the successful running of the organisation and its flagship initiatives and focuses on the expansion and the activation of Friends of Europe’s vast network of trustees, European young leaders and other senior political, corporate, media and societal contacts and partners throughout the world.

 In 2019, Geert founded TownHall Europe (the Davignon Centre for New Leadership) and in 2020, he co-founded the Africa-Europe Foundation (AEF) in partnership with the Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF).

 Geert headed the European conference organising, press relations and publishing company Forum Europe for more than ten years, and managed the revival of one of Belgium’s finest architectural examples of Art Nouveau, after creating La Maison de l’Europe in the prestigious 100-year-old Bibliothèque Solvay.

 At the outset of his career, Geert worked for a few years in the Humanitarian Office of the European Commission as a deputy in the newly set-up information and communications unit. His focus was mainly on raising the profile of the EU’s humanitarian efforts throughout the world, through publications and media initiatives such as exhibitions, television debates or Humanitarian Days in Member States.

 He also worked briefly as a teacher and TV journalist for two music programmes at Belgian public Radio 1.

Benoit Cormier
Benoit Cormier

Director of Strategy and Communications business for Teneo

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Benoit Cormier, a Director with Teneo in Brussels, specialises in European and international affairs, aerospace and defence and communications. Previously a French diplomat, he held roles including Deputy Director for Press and Communications in Washington, D.C., Deputy Consul General in Hong Kong and Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU’s Political and Security Committee. Selected as a Transatlantic Diplomatic Fellow, Cormier advised on international digital strategies at the U.S. State Department. He is also a Visiting Fellow at Johns Hopkins’ SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations, focusing on international communications, transatlantic relations and the European Union.

Georges Dallemagne
Georges Dallemagne

Member of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium

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Georges Dallemagne, Member of the Belgian House of Representatives, represents Les Engagés in the Brussels constituency. Dallemagne is Vice Chairman of the Committee of Inquiry on the March 22, 2016 terrorist attacks and co-chairs the Taiwan-Belgium friendship group. He is also chairman of friendship groups for several countries including Ukraine, Thailand and Iraq. With prior experience as a Senator and Vice-Mayor of Brussels City, he has a strong background in governance and international humanitarian work, including roles at Handicap International and Médecins Sans Frontières.

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

Chair of Clingendael Institute, Dutch Minister of State, former NATO secretary general, former Dutch foreign minister, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Jaap de Hoop Scheffer is a Dutch politician who notably served as the 11th Secretary-General of NATO. He also previously worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch delegation of the NATO headquarters in Brussels. He now works as President of the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) of the Netherlands, an independent body which advises government and parliament on foreign policy. Furthermore, he was appointed to the Pieter Kooijmans Chair for Peace, Law and Security at Leiden University.

Jan De Pauw
Jan De Pauw

Special Envoy for Ukraine, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Jan De Pauw is the Special Envoy for Ukraine and Deputy Director of the Directorate for East and South East Europe. Previously, he served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Belgium in Washington, DC and Deputy Head of Mission to the Embassy of Belgium in Tehran. De Pauw has also been posted at the Belgian Consulate-General in Jerusalem and the Embassy in Berlin, focusing on political reporting related to the Middle East. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he worked on the bilateral desk for North America, covering primarily the US. 

Wouter de Vriendt
Wouter De Vriendt

Member of Parliament at the House of Representatives of Belgium; Group Leader Ecolo-Groen

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Wouter De Vriendt is a member of the Belgian Parliament, representing the Groen party. He currently serves as the Group Leader for Ecolo-Groen and holds the position of Chair of the Ostend City Council.

Isabelle Durant
Isabelle Durant

Former deputy secretary general of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), former deputy prime minister of Belgium and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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With a distinguished career in Belgian and European politics, Isabelle Durant has held the offices of Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Transport and Energy, and Senator in the Belgian Government. She also served as Vice-President of the European Parliament, President of the European Union Council of Ministers of Transport and as Deputy-Secretary General and Acting Secretary General of UNCTAD. With a wealth of experience collaborating with civil society and the private sector, her time as European Parliament Vice-President included responsibility for relations with civil society. Durant has held posts as a senior consultant on the empowerment of women in local government for the UNDP and as a member of Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region in Belgium.

Photo of Daumantas Dvilinskas
Daumantas Dvilinskas

Co-Founder and CEO of TransferGo and 2023 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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A serial entrepreneur and fintech expert from Lithuania, Daumantas Dvilinskas is the Co-Founding CEO of TransferGo, a London-based, high-growth and purely digital global money transfer service. Its innovative digital ‘local in, local out’ business model works with banks worldwide to enable cheaper, faster and safer cross-border money transfers. TransferGo’s main goal is to increase the accessibility of transfers to migrant workers, who make regular payments to their families back at home, by reducing costs and facilitating same-day purchasing power. Dvilinskas challenges monopolies in the banking industry by targeting niche customers with a superior product experience. He has also co-founded Pinevio, a social content discovery platform that enables users to discover content from people with shared interests. Dvilinskas is a recipient of the Global Lithuanian Award, which is bestowed upon Lithuanian diaspora professionals in recognition of their contribution to the economy, science, culture and international presence of Lithuania.

Štefan Füle
Štefan Füle

Former special envoy to the OSCE and the Western Balkans, former EU commissioner for European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Štefan Füle is a Czech politician and diplomat who previously served as the Czech Special Envoy to the OSCE and the Western Balkans. Having started his career in the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he worked as Czech Ambassador to Lithuania and to the UK, as well as becoming Czech Permanent Representative to NATO. In 2010, he became the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy where he was instrumental in setting up and developing the Eastern Partnership with six countries in Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus.

Petra Gombalova
Petra Gombalova

Head of Ukrainian Division at the European External Action Service

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Petra Gombalová Kyslingerová is an EU official serving as the Head of Ukraine Division in the European External Action Service (EEAS). A specialist in international trade and diplomacy, she joined the EU institutions after holding high-level positions in the Czech diplomatic services. Prior to her current post, she served as the Head of Office – Coordinator of the EEAS Secretary General Office and as Head of Division for Regional Eastern Partnership, Regional Cooperation and OSCE in the EEAS.

Photo of Rose Gottemoeller
Rose Gottemoeller

Steven C. Házy Lecturer at Stanford University, former deputy secretary general of NATO, former under secretary for arms control and international security at the U.S. Department of State, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Rose Gottemoeller is the Steven C. Házy Lecturer at Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and its Center for International Security and Cooperation. Before joining Stanford, Gottemoeller was the deputy secretary-general of NATO. Prior to NATO, she served for nearly five years as the under secretary for arms control and international security at the United States Department of State, advising the Secretary of State on arms control, nonproliferation and political-military affairs. While assistant secretary of state for arms control, verification and compliance, she was the chief US negotiator of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with the Russian Federation.

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović

Former president of Croatia and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, the first female President of Croatia, has extensive experience in politics, diplomacy, and security. She served as Croatia’s first female Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to the United States, and Assistant Secretary General of NATO. Grabar-Kitarović is a member of the International Olympic Committee, GLOBSEC International Advisory Council, and various non-profit boards, including Friends of Europe and the US Atlantic Council. She is involved with the UN Alliance of Civilizations, serves as Global Ambassador for Immunization for Women Political Leaders, and is chair emerita of the Council of Women World Leaders. She also co-chairs the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board and is a member of the Committee of Independent Eminent Persons of the European Parliament.

Photo of Dalia Grybauskaitė
Dalia Grybauskaitė

Former president of Lithuania and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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The former president of Lithuania and European commissioner, Dalia Grybauskaitė currently serves as the Co-Chair of the United Nations High-Level Panel on International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (FACTI). Previously, she has chaired the Council of Women World Leaders and held several positions as a Lithuanian diplomat and politician, including as the country’s finance minister, as well as minister plenipotentiary at the Lithuanian embassy to the United States and at the Lithuanian Mission to the EU. Notably, Grybauskaitė played a key role in improving the relations between Lithuania and the EU as the deputy chief negotiator of Lithuania’s Association Agreement with the EU.

Benjamin Haddad
Benjamin Haddad

Member of the French National Assembly

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Benjamin Haddad, a member of the French Parliament, is the spokesperson for the Renaissance group at the Parliament and a member of the Foreign Affairs and European Affairs Committees. As Senior Director of the Europe Centre at the Atlantic Council, he advocates for transatlantic unity and greater European responsibility. He authored “Le paradis perdu: L’Amérique de Trump et la fin des illusions européennes” analysing the historical and geopolitical forces that determined the transition from a long period of liberal optimism to an era of retrenchment in the US and Europe.

Heli Hirsik
Heli Hirsik

Legal Advisor at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the European Union

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Heli Hirsik is the Legal Advisor of the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU and an Estonian delegate in the Council of the EU’s Ad Hoc Working Party on the Use of Frozen and Immobilised Assets to Support Ukraine’s Reconstruction. Previous experience includes work as a lawyer in the EU law department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, including on national legislation on international sanctions, and work as an attorney at a law firm.

Photo of Gert Jan Koopman
Gert Jan Koopman

European Commission Director-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

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Gert Jan Koopman is the Director-General of the Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations. Prior to this, he served as the director-general of the European Commission’s budget department. In this role, he contributed to putting in place the European Union’s €800bn NextGenerationEU recovery plan, as well as the €18bn MFA+ for Ukraine. He has worked to enable its financing on the capital markets through a sovereign-style funding system. Having served the EU for nearly three decades, Koopman was previously in charge of state aid control at the Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition. His earlier assignments included senior management posts in the department for economic and financial affairs, the Commission’s economic service, as well as enterprise and industry, which supervises the smooth running of the single market. 

Dharmendra Kanani
Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

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Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani was director of policy at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). He was the England director at the Big Lottery Fund, the largest independent funder in the UK and fourth largest in the world. Dharmendra has held senior positions in the public and voluntary sectors and advisor to numerous ministerial policy initiatives across the UK.

Iryna Krasnoshtan

Senior Program Manager at the International Centre for Ukrainian Victory

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Iryna Krasnoshtan is an analyst with extensive experience in security, defence matters and NATO-Ukraine relations. She spent over 11 years at the NATO Representation to Ukraine, including as a Political Analyst. Her international experience includes roles at the Embassy of France in Ukraine, OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to Ukraine, and an internship in the House of Commons in Ottawa, Canada. Krasnoshtan is also an Alumna of the George C. Marshall Center and has worked as an adjunct professor and co-seminar leader for the Seminar on Regional Security. She was a James S. Denton Transatlantic Fellowship holder with the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) in 2022.

Denys Maliuska
Denys Maliuska

Ukrainian Minister of Justice

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Denys Maliuska is the Ukrainian Minister of Justice. Prior to this role, Maliuska worked as a Private Sector Development Consultant and Expert for the World Bank Group, focusing on technical assistance to the governments of Ukraine, Belarus, and Central Asia. Before joining the World Bank, he was a lawyer specializing in business law, dispute resolution and bankruptcy at the Business Law firm. 

Oleksandra Matviichuk
Oleksandra Matviichuk

Head of the Centre for Civil Liberties, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and 2023 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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A human rights lawyer and defender, Oleksandra Matviichuk is the first-ever Ukrainian Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. She was awarded the esteemed prize for her work with the Center for Civil Liberties on democratic reform campaigns in Ukraine and the OSCE region. The organisation has been documenting war crimes committed by Russian troops since the initial invasion of Crimea, but also develops legislative changes, exercises public oversight over law enforcement agencies and the judiciary, and implements international solidarity programmes. Matviichuk coordinated the Euromaidan SOS civic initiative to provide legal assistance following the government’s crackdown on Euromaiden protesters, which has since monitored political persecution in the illegally occupied regions of Crimea and Donbas. Matviichuk has led similar campaigns, including #LetMyPeopleGo and #SaveOlegSentsov, to fight for the release of political prisoners detained by Russian authorities. Having authored reports for several United Nations bodies, the Council of Europe, the EU, the OSCE and the International Criminal Court, she received the Democracy Defender Award and is the country’s first female candidate to be nominated to the UN Committee against Torture.

Photo of Philippe Maze-Sencier
Philippe Maze-Sencier

President of Teneo France and former Chair of Global Public Affairs of Hill & Knowlton

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Prior to his current position at Teneo, Philippe Maze-Sencier served as Chair of Global Public Affairs of Hill & Knowlton Strategies (H+K) and Managing Director at McLarty Associates’ Brussels and Washington DC offices. He has been working at the nexus of policy, government relations and communications on transatlantic issues and oversaw operations in India, the Middle East and Africa in various sectors ranging from aerospace to energy to defence. Previously, Maze-Sencier held roles at the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, and at the delegation of the European Commission in Washington DC.

James Nixey
James Nixey

Head of Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House

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James Nixey is the director of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House, leading a team of analysts focused on the international relations of former Soviet states. Having lived and worked in Russia, he publishes extensively on Western relations. Nixey holds degrees in modern languages and international relations and is an associate fellow at the University of Exeter and the Geneva Centre for Security Studies. 

Jonas Ohman
Jonas Ohman

Head of the Blue/Yellow NGO

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Jonas Ohman is a Swedish-born writer, journalist, filmmaker, and interpreter living in Lithuania. Ohman founded the NGO Blue/Yellow in 2014 to support Ukraine against Russian aggression. Blue/Yellow has provided about 85mn euro in support to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, making it the largest NGO in Western Europe supporting Ukraine’s military. The NGO delivers urgent non-lethal aid such as drones, night vision, and electronic warfare equipment to frontline units.

Kajsa Ollongren
Kajsa Ollongren

Minister of Defence of the Netherlands

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Kajsa Ollongren, currently the Minister of Defence, has a distinguished career in the Dutch civil service. Starting at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, she became a policymaker focused on Central and Eastern Europe, where she trained young political parties in newly established democracies. She later served as Head of Parliamentary Affairs, Director of European Integration and Strategy, and Deputy Director General. Ollongren then moved to the Ministry of General Affairs, becoming Deputy Secretary General and later Secretary General. Previously, she served as Amsterdam’s alderwoman and first deputy mayor. She also served as minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and deputy prime minister.

Matteo Patrone
Matteo Patrone

Vice President for Banking at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

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Matteo Patrone is currently serving as the Vice President for Banking at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) , overseeing the Bank’s investment and advisory activities across its countries of operation and contributing to policy engagement activities. Prior to holding his current role, Mr. Patrone held the post of Managing Director, Eastern Europe and Caucasus within the EBRD, responsible for the Bank’s operations and policy engagement initiatives in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and for spearheading the crisis response to the war on Ukraine. Upon joining the EBRD, Patrone served as Director for Serbia and later as Regional Head for Romania and Bulgaria.

Hanno Pevkur
Hanno Pevkur

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia

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Hanno Pevkur is currently serving as the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Estonia. Prior to that, he was a member of the 11th, 13th and 14th Riigikogu and has held several ministerial positions: minister of the Interior, minister of Justice, minister of Social Affairs. Having started his career in law, he went on to serve in the Nõmme District Administration in Tallinn, first as an administrative secretary and later as city district elder. Pevkur was a member of the Tallinn City Council, Chairman of the Nõmme District Administrative Board, and an advisor to the Minister of Justice.


Photo of Andriy Pyshnyy
Andriy Pyshnyy

Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

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Andriy Pyshnyy began his banking career as Head of the Legal Support Department at Oschadbank JSC and later served on Oschadbank’s Board as Member, First Deputy Chairman and Acting Chairman. Pyshnyy further developed the Ukrainian financial sector as First Deputy Chairman of the Board at Ukreximbank JSC and as a Member of the Supervisory Board of Ukreximbank JSC and Oschadbank JSC. Pyshnyy was elected a Verkhovna Rada MP and First Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Rules of Procedure, Parliamentary Ethics and Administration of Verkhovna Rada’s Work. He was also Director of Social Strategy Fund LLC and Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine.

Vladyslav Rashkovan
Vladyslav Rashkovan

Alternative Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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Vladyslav Rashkovan is an Alternative Executive Director at the IMF, representing Ukraine and 14 other states on the Executive Board. Before joining the IMF, Rashkovan served as Deputy Governor and a Board Member of the National Bank of Ukraine. He previously worked with the UniCredit Group as CFO and Deputy CEO of UniCredit Bank Ukraine and as a strategic consultant in M&A. Rashkovan has been involved in non-profit activities, co-chairing the Banking and Financial Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine and serving on the Board of the Kyiv School of Economics.

Maria Repko
Maria Repko

Deputy Director at the Centre for Economic Strategy

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Maria Repko is currently serving as Deputy Executive Director, coordinating research in public policy areas focused on macroeconomic stability, including monetary and fiscal policy and financial sector policy. Previously, she worked as an analyst at Troika Dialog Ukraine, responsible for company research and credit market strategy. She also served as Director of the Analytical Department at Empire State Capital Partners and managed shareholders’ investments in foreign capital markets for a large group of companies.

Michael Ryan
Michael Ryan

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for European and NATO policy at the United States Department of Defense, Trustee of Friends of Europe and lecturer on world affairs and Russian history

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Michael Ryan previously served as the deputy assistant secretary of defence for European and NATO policy at the Pentagon, following a distinguished career in the US Air Force and Senior Executive Service. His extensive background in world affairs includes previous service at the United States Mission to the European Union, European Command Headquarters (USEUCOM) and Office of the Secretary of Defense, as well as NATO headquarters. A former fellow specialising in national defence at the US Congress, he has also lectured extensively throughout Europe and the US. Ryan began his career as a fighter pilot flying an A-10 in Europe during the Cold War.

Photo of Jamie Shea
Jamie Shea

Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

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Retiring from NATO in September 2018 after 38 years at the organisation, Jamie Shea has occupied a number of senior positions at NATO across a wide range of areas, including external relations, press and media, and policy planning. As NATO’s spokesperson, he was the face of the alliance during the Bosnia and Kosovo conflicts. He later worked as the director of policy planning in the private office of former secretary general Rasmussen during the preparation of NATO’s 2010 Strategic Concept. Shea is also a regular lecturer and conference speaker on NATO and European security affairs.

Photo of Kadri Simson
Kadri Simson

European Commissioner for Energy

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Kadri Simson is an Estonian politician from the Centre Party, currently serving as European Commissioner for Energy in the Von der Leyen Commission. She was previously Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure in Jüri Ratas’ first cabinet. During the Estonian Presidency in the Council of the EU, Simson chaired meetings of energy and transport ministers in the TTE Council and ministers of economy in the EU Competitiveness Council. Simson was a member of the 11th, 12th and 13th Riigikogu and was elected to the 14th Riigikogu in 2019.

Photo of Olha Stefanishyna
Olha Stefanishyna

Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine

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Olha Stefanishyna is currently serving as the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine. Previously, she worked as Director and Director-General of the Government Office for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Bart Szewczyk
Bart Szewczyk

Lawyer at Covington & Burling

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Bart Szewczyk is a lawyer at Covington & Burling, where he advises on European and global public policy, particularly on technology, defence, economic sanctions and asset seizure and trade and foreign investment. He teaches at Sciences Po, Paris and is a non-resident Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund. Previously, Szewczyk worked as Advisor on Global Affairs at the European Commission’s in-house think tank. He also served as Member of Secretary John Kerry’s Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State, where he covered Europe, Eurasia and global economic affairs, and as Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power.

Tinatin Tsertsvadze
Tinatin Tsertsvadze

Associate Director of Human Rights, Sanctions, EU foreign policy at Open Society Foundations

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Tinatin Tsertsvadze is an Associate Director at the Open Society Foundations, focusing on EU foreign policy. She is responsible for analysing and advocating EU sanctions policies, with expertise in the EU’s human rights policies in external action and civil society space. Prior to joining Open Society, Tsertsvadze was Advocacy Director and Gender Adviser at the International Partnership for Human Rights, concentrating on Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia. She also worked at FRIDE as Central Asia programme manager, conducting research and advocacy on EU policies towards Central Asia and the South Caucasus. Tsertsvadze co-managed the 50-member Brussels-based HRDN network.

Photo of Jean Van Wetter
Jean Van Wetter

Managing Director of the Belgian Development Agency (Enabel)

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In his current role as Managing Director of Enabel, Van Wetter leads on the implementation of Belgium’s bilateral cooperation policies. Together with its Belgian and international partners, Enabel provides solutions to urgent global challenges, such as climate change, peace and security, social and economic inequality, and human mobility, and promotes global citizenship. Under his leadership, Enabel manages some 170 projects in 20 countries across Africa and the Middle East, as well as in Belgium itself. Van Wetter started his career as a strategy consultant for Arthur Andersen before moving into the international cooperation sector.

Valbona Zeneli

Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe, senior fellow at Europe Center and Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council of the United States

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Dr Valbona Zeneli currently holds the role of Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe, and is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council of the United States, with a dual affiliation at the Europe Center and the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Transatlantic Security Initiative. From 2011 to 2023, she served as a Professor of National Security Studies and Chair of Strategic Engagements at the U.S. Department of Defense’s George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. She is also a visiting scholar for 2023-2024 at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University and a visiting fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre (RSC) at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. Dr Zeneli specialises in transatlantic relations, strategic competition, NATO, globalisation, European Union enlargement and the Western Balkans. In 2023, she won the Inspiration for Women Award.



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