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Board of Trustees

Sony Kapoor
Sony Kapoor

CEO of the Nordic Institute for Finance, Technology & Sustainability, Professor at the European University Institute (EUI), 2014 European Young Leader (EYL40) and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Sony Kapoor is an influential economist, financial sector expert and development practitioner, who has made a substantial contribution to financial reform and tackling the euro crisis. He currently leads the Nordic Institute for Finance, Technology & Sustainability, which promotes a fair, efficient and sustainable allocation of human, financial and natural capital, and is a Professor of Climate, Geoeconomics and Finance at the EUI. Kapoor is the Chairman and former managing director of the RE-DEFINE think tank, which advises the EU, central banks, large investors, governments, regulators and multilateral institutions on economic, fiscal, investment and financial policy. He serves as an advisor to the UCL European Institute and the UNEP on green finance. Previously, Kapoor worked for ICICI, India’s largest investment bank. He also co-founded the International Tax Justice Network and Europeans for Financial Reform and Finance Watch, as well as launched the inter-governmental Illicit Finance Task Force.

Jesse Klaver
Jesse Klaver

Member of the Dutch House of Representatives, Leader of the Dutch green party GroenLinks, Trustee of Friends of Europe and 2018 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Jesse Klaver currently serves as the green-left party leader in the Dutch parliament, with a mandate focused on environmental and educational issues. In his time as party leader, Klaver was instrumental in capturing 10 additional parliamentary seats, rising to an all-time high of 14, and making GroenLinks the fifth most important group in the House. Previously, Klaver was the spokesperson for finance, environment and education, and sat on a wide range of parliamentary committees. He has publically opposed tax evasion and has co-authored a memo on protecting the Dutch flora and fauna.

Anna König Jerlmyr
Anna König Jerlmyr

Former mayor of Stockholm, former member of the Swedish Parliament and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Anna is Mayor of Stockholm and Chair of the City Executive Board. She has a background in economics and communications, and previously served as a member of the Swedish Riksdag. Upon entering the Stockholm City Council, she was appointed Vice-Mayor for Social Affairs and Chair of Stockholm’s Police Authority. She served as Opposition Vice-Mayor representing the Moderate Party. In addition to her role as Mayor, Anna is President of the European city network EUROCITIES and sits on the steering committee of the global climate network C40.

Miroslav Lajčák
Miroslav Lajčák

EU Special Representative for the Serbia-Kosovo Dialogue, former Slovakian deputy prime minister and former president of the United Nations General Assembly, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Miroslav Lajčák has more than 30 years of experience in foreign policy, having dedicated his professional life to diplomacy, representing both the Slovak Republic and the international community. He has served as the Slovak foreign and European affairs minister four times, as well as the ambassador to Japan and several southeastern European countries. Lajčák was also the executive assistant to the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the Balkans and has held several other supporting positions in institutions such as the EEAS, the UNGA and the OSCE.

Photo of Pascal Lamy
Pascal Lamy

Former Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and European Commissioner, Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Pascal Lamy is a French politician and the Vice President of the Paris Peace Forum, a new innovative global governance initiative. He served as the director-general of the World Trade Organization (WTO) for two consecutive terms, prior to which he was the European commissioner for trade and head of cabinet for former Commission president, Jacques Delores. Currently an associate professor at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, Lamy also frequently lectures at the Institut Jacques Delors and speaks on issues related to globalisation, global governance, international trade, international economics and regional integration. He has written several publications on the European Union and the ‘harmonising’ of globalisation and is a Trustee of Friends of Europe.

Photo of John Latsis
John Latsis

Chairman of the Independent Social Research Foundation, Member of the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, Associate professor in Social and Organisational Theory at the University of Reading, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Photo of Yves Leterme
Yves Leterme

Belgian Minister of State, former Belgian prime minister and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Yves Leterme is a Belgian politician who has held a variety of political posts in Belgium. After starting his career as an Alderman in his home town of Ypres, he became a Member of Parliament in the Chamber of Representatives, Group Chairman and leader of the opposition. Eventually, he served as Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs and, later on, Belgian Prime Minister. During his tenure as Prime Minister, Belgium held the Presidency of the European Union.

Linas Antanas Linkevičius
Linas Antanas Linkevičius

Ambassador of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Sweden, former Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Defence, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Linas Antanas Linkevičius is an experienced Lithuanian politician and diplomat and the current Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania. Having chaired the Committee on Foreign Affairs Member of the Seimas, the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, he embarked on a diplomatic career in the Lithuanian Foreign Service. He served, for instance, as the Head of the Lithuanian Mission to the WEU and NATO and as Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the North Atlantic Council before becoming Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Photo of Sir Philip Lowe
Sir Philip Lowe

Partner at Oxera, former European Commission director-general for competition and energy, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Sir Philip Lowe is a distinguished British EU policy veteran. He joined the European Commission in 1973, and held a range of senior posts as Head of Cabinet and Director in the fields of regional development, agriculture, transport and administration, before becoming Director-General for Development in 1997. Later on, he headed the Directorate-General Competition and then Directorate-General Energy. Afterwards, Lowe served as one of five non-executive directors of the British Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) Board. He is currently Executive Chair of the World Energy Council’s Energy Trilemma Initiative.

Magid Magid
Magid Magid

Founder and Director of Union of Justice, Trustee of Friends of Europe and 2019 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Magid Magid is a Somali-British race and climate justice activist, organiser and author, who moved to the United Kingdom as a refugee at the age of five. He is the Founder and Director of Union of Justice, an independent European people of colour-led organisation dedicated to racial and climate justice. He is also the Co-Chair of the refugee charity, City of Sanctuary Sheffield. Magid served as a Green Party member of the European Parliament, representing Yorkshire and the Humber for nearly two years until the UK’s exit from the EU. He is the former lord mayor of Sheffield, the youngest person ever and the first Green Party councillor to hold the office. Squatting on a staircase in Sheffield town hall and sporting a pair of Dr Martens, Magid’s inaugural portrait became an internet sensation. Magid was named one of TIME’s 100 rising stars shaping the future of the world.

Cecilia Malmström
Cecilia Malmström

Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, former European commissioner for trade and home affairs, former Swedish minister for European Union affairs, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Cecilia Malmström is a renowned Swedish politician, who has held various positions at the national and European levels. As the European commissioner for trade, she was responsible for pursuing an ambitious trade agenda to the benefit of European citizens, SMEs and the broader economy, as well as negotiating key bilateral trade agreements, including a comprehensive EU-China investment agreement. Prior to her role at the Commission, Malmström was also the Swedish minister for EU affairs and served as a member of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs and Committee on Constitutional Affairs, among others.

Photo of Eva Maydell
Eva Maydell

President of the European Movement International, Member of the European Parliament, Trustee of Friends of Europe and 2015-2016 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Eva Maydell’s priorities focus on enhancing skills-creation and the use of innovation and technologies, supporting entrepreneurs and investments in Europe. In the European Parliament, she is a member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy as well as the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. She is also a member of the Delegation for relations with Japan as well as the Delegation for relations with the US.

Eva is among the most active members of the European Parliament. Currently, she is EPP rapporteur on the Data Strategy. She was the main Parliament rapporteur on the Regulation on charges on cross-border payments as well as worked on several legislative files, part of the Digital Single Market Strategy – the e-Privacy Regulation, the Directive for the supply of digital content, the Regulation on portability, Digitising European industry and the European cloud initiative. She was also rapporteur for the EPP Group on the implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the New Skills Agenda and the Influence of technology on the future of the financial sector (FinTech).

Eva has been awarded the European Parliament’s MEP of the Year Award twice. She has also been
included in FT’s own ‘New Europe 100′ ranking of CEE’s emerging change-makers, European Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list and others.

Photo of Carlos Moedas
Carlos Moedas

Mayor of Lisbon, former EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, former Portuguese Under Secretary of State and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Federica Mogherini
Federica Mogherini

Rector of the College of Europe, former high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security, and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Prior to assuming her role as Rector of the College of Europe, Federica Mogherini was the high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy, and vice-president of the European Commission. She previously served the Italian government as minister for foreign affairs and international cooperation. During her time as a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Mogherini was notably head of the Italian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly; member of the Italian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; secretary of the Defence Committee; and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. 

PHOTO CREDIT: College of Europe

Strategic Leadership

Leila Alieva
Leila Alieva

Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe, and Affiliate of Russian and East European Studies at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA)

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Leila is an Affiliate of Russian and East European Studies at OSGA, prior to which she was a senior common room member and academic visitor at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. Originally from Azerbaijan, she founded and directed two think tanks in Baku and previously held fellowships at Harvard University, UC Berkeley, Kennan Institute, the NATO Defence College and IFK (Institut Für Kulturwissenschaften) Vienna. Her research and publications cover Azerbaijan, the Caucasus, Russia and the broader former Soviet Union, ranging thematically from energy security and conflicts, to democracy in oil-rich states, as well as issues around EU and NATO integration.

Photo of Geert Cami
Geert Cami

Co-Founder and Secretary General of Friends of Europe, and Co-Founder and Co-Secretary General of the Africa-Europe Foundation

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Geert Cami co-founded Friends of Europe, the action-oriented think tank, which in 2011 launched both its citizen’s platform, Debating Europe and its European Young Leaders Programme. In 2015, Friends of Europe integrated the Security and Defence agenda thinktank. As Secretary General, Geert mainly deals with the strategic development of Friends of Europe, coordinating the work of the high-level Boards involved in the governance of the organisation and chairing the Leadership meetings. He oversees both the financial health and the successful running of the organisation and its flagship initiatives and focuses on the expansion and the activation of Friends of Europe’s vast network of trustees, European young leaders and other senior political, corporate, media and societal contacts and partners throughout the world.

 In 2019, Geert founded TownHall Europe (the Davignon Centre for New Leadership) and in 2020, he co-founded the Africa-Europe Foundation (AEF) in partnership with the Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF).

 Geert headed the European conference organising, press relations and publishing company Forum Europe for more than ten years, and managed the revival of one of Belgium’s finest architectural examples of Art Nouveau, after creating La Maison de l’Europe in the prestigious 100-year-old Bibliothèque Solvay.

 At the outset of his career, Geert worked for a few years in the Humanitarian Office of the European Commission as a deputy in the newly set-up information and communications unit. His focus was mainly on raising the profile of the EU’s humanitarian efforts throughout the world, through publications and media initiatives such as exhibitions, television debates or Humanitarian Days in Member States.

 He also worked briefly as a teacher and TV journalist for two music programmes at Belgian public Radio 1.

Mary Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzgerald

Non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute, and Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence & Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Mary Fitzgerald is a researcher and analyst specialising in the Mediterranean region with a particular focus on Libya. She has consulted for a number of international organisations including in the areas of peacebuilding and civil society. She has worked with the International Crisis Group (ICG), the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) among others. She is a Non-Resident Scholar at the Middle East Institute in Washington DC, an Associate Fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, King’s College London and an Associate Fellow at ISPI in Milan. Mary has also worked on wider initiatives with UNESCO, the Anna Lindh Foundation, the British Council and other cultural organisations. Her writing has appeared in publications including Foreign Policy, The New Yorker, The Washington Post, Financial Times and The Guardian.

Photo of Nathalie Furrer
Nathalie Furrer

Director of Climate, Energy & Sustainability, Health, European Young Leaders and State of Europe at Friends of Europe

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Nathalie Furrer is the Director of the Climate, Energy & Sustainability; Health; European Young Leaders (EYL40); and State of Europe programmes at Friends of Europe. Through her leadership, since 2002, the think tank has become the go-to place to connect, debate and change Europe. She founded its Africa, development, health, climate, energy and sustainability transition policy areas and launched its very successful European Young Leaders (EYL40) programme. She has been instrumental in developing a multi-stakeholder approach to the work of a think tank and in the organisation’s reach to the non-institutional sector. In her current role, she works with our talented team, members and partners. Prior to joining Friends of Europe, she worked at an institute for public policy research, organising international conferences throughout Europe.

Dharmendra Kanani
Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

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Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani was director of policy at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). He was the England director at the Big Lottery Fund, the largest independent funder in the UK and fourth largest in the world. Dharmendra has held senior positions in the public and voluntary sectors and advisor to numerous ministerial policy initiatives across the UK.

Photo of Adam Nyman
Adam Nyman

Director of Citizen Outreach and Engagement at Friends of Europe

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Adam is the Director of Citizen Outreach and Engagement at Friends of Europe. He is responsible for the online citizen-driven discussion platform Debating Europe, which he co-founded in 2011. He has extensive experience in digital media start-ups, including the launch of the Brussels-based newswire service EUPOLITIX.com, which he merged into The Parliament Magazine, where he was the Managing Director. Adam speaks fluent English and Italian.

Photo of Jamie Shea
Jamie Shea

Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

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Retiring from NATO in September 2018 after 38 years at the organisation, Jamie Shea has occupied a number of senior positions at NATO across a wide range of areas, including external relations, press and media, and policy planning. As NATO’s spokesperson, he was the face of the alliance during the Bosnia and Kosovo conflicts. He later worked as the director of policy planning in the private office of former secretary general Rasmussen during the preparation of NATO’s 2010 Strategic Concept. Shea is also a regular lecturer and conference speaker on NATO and European security affairs.

Valbona Zeneli

Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe, senior fellow at Europe Center and Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council of the United States

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Dr Valbona Zeneli currently holds the role of Senior Fellow for Peace, Security and Defence at Friends of Europe, and is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council of the United States, with a dual affiliation at the Europe Center and the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security’s Transatlantic Security Initiative. From 2011 to 2023, she served as a Professor of National Security Studies and Chair of Strategic Engagements at the U.S. Department of Defense’s George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies. She is also a visiting scholar for 2023-2024 at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University and a visiting fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre (RSC) at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. Dr Zeneli specialises in transatlantic relations, strategic competition, NATO, globalisation, European Union enlargement and the Western Balkans. In 2023, she won the Inspiration for Women Award.


Photo of Nathalie Furrer
Nathalie Furrer

Director of Climate, Energy & Sustainability, Health, European Young Leaders and State of Europe at Friends of Europe

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Nathalie Furrer is the Director of the Climate, Energy & Sustainability; Health; European Young Leaders (EYL40); and State of Europe programmes at Friends of Europe. Through her leadership, since 2002, the think tank has become the go-to place to connect, debate and change Europe. She founded its Africa, development, health, climate, energy and sustainability transition policy areas and launched its very successful European Young Leaders (EYL40) programme. She has been instrumental in developing a multi-stakeholder approach to the work of a think tank and in the organisation’s reach to the non-institutional sector. In her current role, she works with our talented team, members and partners. Prior to joining Friends of Europe, she worked at an institute for public policy research, organising international conferences throughout Europe.

Photo of Nakoma Hartwig
Nakoma Hartwig

Programme Assistant for Peace, Security & Defence and the Ukraine Initiative

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Pronouns: she/her

Nakoma is the Programme Assistant for Peace, Security & Defence, specifically working on the Ukraine Initiative. Having obtained a BA in History and Politics from the University of Stirling and an MSc in Development and Security from University of Bristol, her research interests lie in EU foreign policy, specifically conflict prevention policies. Prior to working for Friends of Europe, Nakoma has worked in fundraising for Legs4Africa, an NGO that recycles prosthetics and funds rehabilitation and she has joined the European Student Think Tank as a writer in Security and Defence issues. Nakoma is fluent in English and German and has intermediate knowledge of Spanish.

Dharmendra Kanani
Dharmendra Kanani

Chief Operating Officer and Chief Spokesperson of Friends of Europe

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Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Dharmendra Kanani was director of policy at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). He was the England director at the Big Lottery Fund, the largest independent funder in the UK and fourth largest in the world. Dharmendra has held senior positions in the public and voluntary sectors and advisor to numerous ministerial policy initiatives across the UK.

Francisco Lopez
Francisco Lopez

Programmer Officer for Global Europe

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Pronouns: he/him

Francisco is a Programme Officer responsible for Global Europe. He has a multidisciplinary background focused on EU affairs and international cooperation. He holds an Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in development economics with a focus on EU-LAC relations. Before joining Friends of Europe, he worked on green investment projects as a Junior Consultant at CARSA. Previously, he was a Cooperation Trainee at the EU Delegation in Quito and an intern at the EU-LAC Foundation. He is fluent in Spanish, English, French, Italian, and Portuguese and has an advanced level of German. In his free time, Francisco enjoys attending cinema festivals and preparing coffee.

Amanda Rohde
Amanda Rohde-Stadler

Head of Programme Performance & Operations at Friends of Europe

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Pronouns: she/her
Amanda Rohde-Stadler is responsible for big picture programming coherence across Friends of Europe’s areas of expertise, as well as monitoring & evaluation. Through her previous roles in the organisation, she oversaw programme delivery across all areas of expertise, and carried out the production and delivery of activities and publications across a wide range of themes, including: digital & data governance; peace, security & defence; EU-Asia relations; and migration & inclusion. She was also involved in the inception phase of the Africa-Europe Foundation, with a focus on policy and partnerships. Prior to joining Friends of Europe in 2016, she worked in the Research Unit of International Crisis Group – tracking conflicts across Africa and Asia – and as a teacher in South Korea. Amanda holds a Master of Advanced International Studies from the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, where she focused her studies on conflict and crisis analysis, and a BA in linguistics from the University of Florida with a special focus on African languages and literature. 

Photo of Eugenia Rossi
Eugenia Rossi

Programme Assistant at Friends of Europe

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Pronouns: she/her

Eugenia is a Programme Assistant at Friends of Europe, contributing to the development of multiple initiatives. With a foundation in political science, international relations and European affairs, she has previously worked as a research assistant at IBEI , focusing on research related to democratic values. Her professional experience also includes diplomatic work at the Italian Embassy in Montevideo and international police cooperation in Lyon. Eugenia is deeply committed to intersectional equality, with a particular focus on gender mainstreaming, a subject she explored during her time at the Elcano Institute and in her recent master’s thesis. She is fluent in Italian, Spanish, English and French.

Photo of Davide Sofia
Davide Sofia

Programme Officer at Friends of Europe

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Pronouns: he/him
Davide is a Programme Assistant for the Climate, Energy & Sustainability and Health programmes at Friends of Europe. Before joining Friends of Europe, Davide has been involved in volunteering activities and projects with NGOs in Italy and Germany focusing on international cooperation, active citizenship and the fight against organised crime and corruption. He holds a BA in International and Diplomatic Sciences from the University of Trieste and an MA in European and International Studies from the University of Trento. He is fluent in Italian and English and has intermediate knowledge of German and French. 

Photo of Alexandra Stefan
Alexandra Stefan

Head of Digital Strategy, Development & Performance at Friends of Europe

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Alexandra is the Head of Digital Strategy, Development & Performance at Friends of Europe. Previously, she has overseen the operations and events of the e-Crime & Cybersecurity Congress series in Europe, the United Kingdom and the Middle East. Prior to that, Alexandra has worked in the cultural and diplomatic field in roles related to public relations, projects, events and administration. She holds a BA in Cultural Mediation from the Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris, an MA in Near and Middle Eastern Studies, major in International Relations and Politics, from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and a diploma in Business Foundations from Wharton School. Alexandra is fluent in English and French, advanced in Italian and Spanish, intermediate in Arabic and native in Romanian.

Photo of Oleksandra Suprun
Oleksandra Suprun

Programme Manager for Peace, Security & Defence

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Pronouns: she/her

Oleksandra is a Programme Manager responsible for overseeing, developing and enhancing Friends of Europe’s capability to deliver effective programmes and projects on peace, security and defence. She has also been engaged with the International Centre of Ukrainian Victory advocating for Ukraine’s victory. Before moving to Brussels in 2022 Oleksandra worked as a Political Advisor at the Embassy of Japan in Ukraine. In her early career, she obtained experience through the Blue Book Internship at the European Fisheries Control Agency and an internship at the MEP’s office in the European Parliament. Prior she has also participated in the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Programme. She holds a joint International Master’s Degree in Russian, Central and East European Studies from the University of Glasgow, UK and the University of Turku, Finland and a Master’s Degree in Political Science from Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. She also holds an Executive Diploma in the Art of Diplomacy specialising in International Security from the European Academy of Diplomacy. She is fluent in Ukrainian and English and has a limited proficiency in French and Spanish. 


Photo of Ringailė Trakymaitė
Ringailė Trakymaitė

Senior Programme Expert at Friends of Europe

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Ringailė Trakymaitė, with 20+ years of experience in the think-tank and PCO industry, is a Senior Programme Expert at Friends of Europe, working with the flagship programmes: European Young Leaders (EYL40) programme, State of Europe, the Ukrainian Initiative. She started her career at the Open Society Fund – in Lithuania, working with youth and Roma programmes, and has continued working in the NGO/think-tank field ever since. Amongst her previous positions, she has led the Civil Society Development & Co-operation Division at the Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC) in Vilnius, working with complex donor-funded projects and programmes, including managing delivery in politically sensitive and/or high-risk contexts, incl. working in unstable and difficult environments and countries, such as Belarus, Azerbaijan, Georgia and more. In addition, Ringailė has MA degrees from Lithuanian, Swedish and Italian universities, holds a PhD in linguistics, and teaches both BA and MA students in general linguistics, language contact and areal linguistics and grammatical categories at Vilnius University. She speaks numerous languages, including Lithuanian, Russian and Scandinavian ones.  

Photo of Cyril Tregub
Cyril Tregub

Policy Officer for Peace, Security and Defence and the Ukraine Initiative at Friends of Europe

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Cyril is the Policy Officer for the Ukraine Initiative, the Peace, Security and Defence Programme. Prior to joining the team, Cyril worked at the Council of Europe, supporting public sector reform in Central Asia and the South Caucasus. He also did a Bluebook traineeship at the European Commission, DG NEAR, working with the Eastern Partnership and Western Balkans. Cyril holds degrees in journalism, international relations, and EU administration, having studied in Poland, the UK and Belgium. He speaks English, French, Ukrainian, Russian and Polish.

Photo of Zsombor Vakan
Zsombor Vakan

Programme Assistant at Friends of Europe

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Pronouns: he/him

Zsombor is a Programme Assistant at Friends of Europe, working transversally between different projects and initiatives. He obtained a BSc in Political Science from Leiden University, as well as an MSc in Public Administration: Public Management and Leadership. Zsombor’s research interests centre on the state of democracies, backsliding, as well as the relationship between the government and the public. Previously he worked with his University, a Hungarian think tank on corruption research, as well as the Pakistani Embassy in The Hague. He aims to build a focus on advocating for better government-public relations, and assessing the state of modern democracies. Zsombor is fluent in Hungarian, English and German, and is currently struggling with learning French.

Photo of Thomas Van Vynckt
Thomas Van Vynckt

Acting Head, Flagship Initiatives and Operational Oversight

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Pronouns: he/him
Thomas Van Vynckt is Acting Head of flagship oversight and delivery. This includes the delivery, coordination and oversight of the annual State of Europe high-level roudntable / Festival of Politics and Ideas, the European Young Leaders (EYL40) initiative, Friends of Europe’s Renewed Social Contract 2030 strategy, and other programme-specific high-level policy summits.

Prior to joining Friends of Europe, Thomas worked in the defence industry in the private sector in London (UK) and at NATO Headquarters, both in the Political Affairs and Operations divisions. At NATO, Thomas worked on the accession of the Republic of North Macedonia to NATO and partnerships between NATO and Western Balkans countries more broadly, the KFOR mission in Kosovo, and the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan. Thomas has lived, studied, and worked in Bosnia & Herzegovina, the Netherlands, Slovakia and the United Kingdom (England and Scotland). He attended the United World College in Mostar (2009-2011) and is a proud UWC alumnus. He holds a BA from the Leiden University, an MSC from Aberdeen University, and an MA from King’s College London.

Thomas’ expertise and interests lie at the intersection of security, politics, governance, and culture and his career has been dedicated to fostering dialogue and building connections across sectors and borders. He enjoys sports (swimming, cycling, running, hiking, skiing and sailing), travelling and the opera. Thomas speaks fluent French, English and Flemish (and is working hard on his Spanish) and holds both Belgian and Swiss citizenships.

Rayan Vugdalic
Rayan Vugdalic

Programme Officer at Friends of Europe

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Pronouns: he/him
Rayan is the Programme Officer responsible for the Making Space Matter initiative. He hosts the Dark Matter podcast, a YouTube programme in which he interviews a diversity of experts on space policy, law and diplomacy. He also organises activities related to space at Friends of Europe. He previously worked for the Peace, Security and Defence programme and, prior to joining Friends of Europe, completed internships at the United Nations and Interpol. His academic interests include space diplomacy, conflict resolution and political sociology, with a particular interest in critical conflict studies and intersectional feminist analysis. He speaks French and English, as well as some Dutch.

Transparency Board

Monica Frassoni
Monica Frassoni

President of the European Alliance to Save Energy, former co-president of the European Green Party, former member of the European Parliament and Trustee of Friends of Europe

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Monica Frassoni is an Italian politician who previously served as the Co-President of the European Green Party. Prior to that, during her time as Member of the European Parliament, she was Co-Chair of the European Greens–European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament. She also served for ten years as an officer of the Greens group in the European Parliament and was Secretary-General of the Young European Federalists. In 2010, she co-founded the European Alliance to Save Energy, an organisation which aims to promote and advocate energy savings and a new energy model.

Photo of Philippe Maze-Sencier
Philippe Maze-Sencier

President of Teneo France and former Chair of Global Public Affairs of Hill & Knowlton

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Prior to his current position at Teneo, Philippe Maze-Sencier served as Chair of Global Public Affairs of Hill & Knowlton Strategies (H+K) and Managing Director at McLarty Associates’ Brussels and Washington DC offices. He has been working at the nexus of policy, government relations and communications on transatlantic issues and oversaw operations in India, the Middle East and Africa in various sectors ranging from aerospace to energy to defence. Previously, Maze-Sencier held roles at the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, and at the delegation of the European Commission in Washington DC.

Photo of Jon Worth
Jon Worth

Political Blogger and Campaigner, #CrossBorderRail Project and 2012 European Young Leader (EYL40)

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Jon is one the best-known political bloggers and commentators on all things EU politics and Brexit. His commentary on his blog (jonworth.eu) and Twitter account (@jonworth) are well known in Brussels and EU circles. His work around Brexit and especially his famous Brexit diagrams have been featured in international media, including The New York Times and ARD. Jon is a Visiting Lecturer on politics and online communication at the College of Europe in Bruges. He also leads workshops at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, the University of Maastricht and the Italian School of Public Administration in Rome. The Founder of Trains for Europe, a campaign that demands the European Union take action on the issues surrounding long distance rail travel in Europe, Jon is an experienced campaigner, having previously organised a number of online campaigns for United Kingdom politicians and the Atheist Bus Campaign.


Our revenue

In 2023 Friends of Europe’s funding revenue was € 4 191 525. This money was contributed through participation fees (“memberships”), institutional and governmental subsidies, contributions to costs of events, reports or other projects.


Types of revenue

  • Membership guarantees participation at all our debates, hard copies of our reports, and finally, networking opportunities. It goes without saying that Friends of Europe does not represent the interests of its members, most of whom in any case have competing or conflicting interests, and in that respect it is worthwhile stating that Friends of Europe members are paying an annual ‘participation fee’ without any other prerogative or role in the governance of Friends of Europe.
  • Project sponsorship provides associated visibility linked to a specific project (such as a report or debate), and a possible speaking slot or op-ed contribution, with overall independence and balance of opinion contractually guaranteed by Friends of Europe.
  • Programme/pillar partnership offers visibility and input into our annual work programme for a specific pillar or programme, again with independence and balance of opinion contractually guaranteed by Friends of Europe.
  • Exceptional revenues (such as compensation of office rent, payment exchanges…)


Revenue breakdown

€ 4 191 525 broken down per source of funding as follows:

  • European and international institutions: € 720 837(17%)
  • Diplomatic missions, national, regional and local authorities: € 1 387 678 (33%)
  • Corporate sector (companies and trade associations): € 1 113 706 (27%)
  •  Private non-corporate (foundations and NGOs): € 668 809 (16%
  • Participation fees (“Membership”): € 296 501 (7%)
  • Other projects € 3 995 (0%)


Membership guarantees participation at all our debates, copies of our reports, and networking opportunities. Friends of Europe does not represent the interests of its members, who pay an annual ‘participation fee’ without any other prerogative or role in the governance of Friends of Europe.

Membership fees are among the lowest in Brussels so as to stimulate as wide and heterogeneous membership as possible. Memberships are not ‘personal’, so any person employed by a member organisation can attend our debates and receive copies of our major reports.

Basic annual membership fees are as follows:

  • NGOs: €550
  • SMEs, trade associations, chambers of commerce: €1,070
  • International organisations and diplomatic missions of G20 and European Economic Area (EEA) countries: €1,070
  • Diplomatic missions of non-G20/EEA countries: €860
  • Regional offices: €860
  • Foundations: €860
  • Corporations: €2,450


For project-related partnerships, Friends of Europe has opted from the beginning for transparent and open communication. All partners are systematically credited on the website and in our reports.

Project-related partners receive two key advantages: visibility in the communications campaign surrounding a debate or a report, and an opportunity to speak at an event or write for a report/publication.

Friends of Europe offers a platform to people from all backgrounds and opinion, including government and institution leaders, NGOs and lobbyists of all shapes and colours, but the editorial independence and the guaranteed balance of discussions are the exclusive responsibility of Friends of Europe, as contractually enshrined.

We write balanced reports or debate programmes, and bring in voices that disagree with one another. It is only by confronting ideas that Europe will find the best solutions for the challenges of our times.

It should be stressed that the objective of Friends of Europe’s activities is to foster discussion and debate among the EU’s leaders and citizens on the issues that shape their future and to debate and circulate useful ideas for a more forward-looking, inclusive and sustainable Europe, not to push any specific political or business interest.


For the full details of revenues coming from Friends of Europe’s membership/participation fees, click here.

For the full details of other revenues, click here.

The Transparency and Independence Board helps define, refine and verify our credentials in terms of financial transparency and independence.


Fundraising guidelines

Financing is an essential part of any organisation’s existence, and Friends of Europe relies on it to be able to ensure the broadest possible platform for debate, reflection and analysis. To uphold our mission as an independent think-tank, we adhere to the following basic principles of independence and transparency.

: Friends of Europe openly credits all partners, and is transparent as to sources of its funding in relation to our various projects. We maintain open and direct visibility for all our partners.

Opposing views
: Friends of Europe maintains partnerships with organisations and governments that clearly have opposing views. Offering a speaking slot to partners does not pose a problem in this respect, on condition that other relevant points of view are equally represented.

Editorial Independence
: Friends of Europe remains at all times independent in its approach to any given policy issue. This principle is also legally enshrined in any contract with a partner: “Editorial and intellectual independence and the balance of events/reports shall at all times remain exclusive responsibility of Friends of Europe.”


Fundraising objectives

Inclusiveness: Friends of Europe’s main objective in fundraising is to finance the widest possible participation in high-quality debates and reports, combining the best available research, facts & figures. We aim to bring together all sides of a debate, and a spectrum of opinion that is as wide as possible. This includes conflicting political opinions, corporate as well as civil society and NGO voices, and a variety of specialists and media from throughout the world.

: Friends of Europe’s activities are backed by our communications powerhouse to seek maximum exposure for its projects and therefore also for its authors, speakers and partners. That communication includes the publication and dissemination of articles and reports on our activities, available to our members and partners, the media and the general public. Adequate funding for this effort is highly important.

: We aim to engage a wider audience beyond the “establishment” and the “Brussels bubble”, in an effort to inform people and fight political apathy and voter absenteeism. This is why we seek to expand paid partnerships across Europe and the world to extend our reach.


Independence and Transparency Board

To ensure the openness and independence of our organisation, Friends of Europe has created a panel of people from various walks of life to consider any potential issues. The board meets at least once a year in Brussels and whenever it is deemed useful.

The Transparency and Independence Board helps define, refine and verify our credentials in terms of financial transparency and independence.

As stated above, Friends of Europe welcomes as wide an array of opinions as possible, and we do not shy away from provocative exchanges between different stakeholders. However, we wish to clarify the following restrictions we have imposed on ourselves:

  1. Representatives from extremist parties which advocate racism, violence, or which have values that go against basic European values as delineated above, are not invited to write in our reports, to speak at our debates or to support our activities financially.
  2. In line with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), a legally binding international treaty that aims to reduce the damaging health and economic impacts of tobacco consumption, Friends of Europe refrains from working with the tobacco industry.
  3. While arms manufacturers can become members of Friends of Europe, a few limitations do apply. Friends of Europe will not offer them a high profile as partners of projects, nor accept partnership money from the production and sales of arms. As listed in SIPRI’s most recent annual report on arms producing, FOE defines “arms manufacturers” as any company having more than 50% of its sales coming from the production of arms. (FOE excludes companies only providing consultancy & IT services to intelligence agencies, armed forces or ministries of defence from this definition, such as BAH through whom FOE has received US government funding. SIPRI = Stockholm International Peace Research Institute).
  4. Climate change is an existential crisis and Friends of Europe is determined to play its part in facilitating the transition to a net-zero future. At the core of our work is the commitment to devise a Renewed Social Contract for Europe. As part of our strategic objective to bolster a green transformation, Friends of Europe will no longer pursue partnerships with oil producing companies and all companies active in the coal sector. A decision to work with a particular company is not permanent, as we accept that a company’s activities may change and evolve over time.
  5. Non-EU countries are eligible partners in an effort to engage in fruitful discussions that may help in certain cases at sharing best practices, or improving democratic and human rights conditions, as long as our intellectual credibility or that of a project are not endangered.
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