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- Digital & Data Governance
Digital & Data Governance
As more money than ever flows into digitalisation and the mitigation of the climate emergency, the next generation stands to gain the most – or lose the most – depending on the investments we make and the actions we take today. For their sake, it is imperative to get this transition right.
Digitalisation plays a crucial role in attaining the EU’s sustainability goals.
The vision, money and ambition to build a more successful, resilient and green Europe are clearly there – but action is urgently needed now to translate vision into reality. It is imperative to move beyond jargon and to take concrete action that focuses on citizens – their hopes, concerns, needs and their individual and collective capacity to be part of a paradigm shift.
Connected Europe: A digital brand for a just transition
This is the premise of Friends of Europe’s latest report, “Connected Europe: A digital brand for a just transition”, which presents the results of a year-long pan-European study supported by Vodafone. The report explores how policymakers and industry can work better together to boost Europe’s connectivity and foster a transformation that is both sustainable and fair, and one that builds resilient communities, societies and economies. All while ensuring that citizens are at the heart of the debate.
Insights and recommendations
The recommendations of this citizen-centric initiative and report clearly indicate that it is time for Europe to build its digital ‘brand’. Citizens want ‘Made in Europe’ to stand for fairness, quality and sustainability – with products and services contributing to mitigation of the climate emergency while remaining affordable and of high quality.
By no means exhaustive, the aim of these recommendations is to inform policymakers, inspire bold and effective action and contribute to achieving the vision of a successful, green and resilient Europe for the years to come.
“Connected Europe: A digital brand for a just transition” shows how Europe can achieve a successful, green and resilient digital transformation through collaboration and with citizens at the heart of the debate.
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