Qualifying Europe to compete


Picture of Louis Brennan
Louis Brennan

In the light of the substantial and fundamental shifts that have taken place in the global economy in recent decades, the EU needs to revisit its rules on competition. Clinging to business-as-usual is no longer an option in a world of hyper-competition between regions. The EU needs to operate in the world as it now is, which implies that the EU go back to the drawing board and redesign the architecture, governance, rules and operation of the Union so that they are fit for competition in today’s world.

The EU needs to continue to support research and innovation, as these provide the foundations and platforms for future prosperity. At the same time, the recent cuts to research budgets for Social Sciences and Humanities need especially to be reversed, as so many of the great challenges of today require input from these specialties if they are to be successfully addressed. Relatedly, a priority for the EU is to overcome the growing perception of a democratic deficit in its governance, operation and decision-making processes. This calls for much greater accountability and transparency in its institutions and an ever-more meaningful role for the Parliament.

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