Get involved in Brussels' most innovative think tank
Most think tanks see themselves as a bridge between academia and policymaking. Friends of Europe provides the bridge between policymakers and those who experience the implementation and impact of policy making, including citizens, the business community and wider civil society. One of our virtues is our direct link to citizens and the ability to connect them in debate about the impact of policy and canvas their views on how it can or should change to improve their lives.
Our aim is to enable critical thinking and reflection on a host of issues that affect citizens’ lives and to generate greater thoughtfulness and evaluation of the policymaking process and its wider impact.
How do we do this?
We use publications, debates and online engagement as the basis for policy debate, discussion and potential change.
We provide a platform for cross sector stakeholders to share their views and thoughts on how to make policy better or to reflect on its development and its consequences. We join up the dots of policy thinking, providing thought leadership with all those who are responsible for making policy in Europe and its relationship to the wider world. Our data sources are the views of citizens, practitioners and policymakers across sectors with a view to developing recommendations for positive social change. The outcome we wish to achieve is to improve policy thinking, policy-making and policy coherence for the benefit of citizens across Europe.
Why engage in our work?
Stay one step ahead, access thought leadership on
The latest key policy issues related to our areas of expertise:
Tap into a network that reaches high and wide
We facilitate engagement with leaders at the heart of Brussels policymaking and ensure that we reach ‘beyond the bubble’, also bringing the ‘unusual suspects’ to the table at our debates.
that is both truly European and truly global in its outlook and activities.
in taking a joined-up view across different policy areas and priorities.
on the issues that matter to you through our dedicated fora, wide ranging activities, and via our policy journal #CriticalThinking.
on these issues through our online platform Debating Europe.
We have no national or party-political bias and ensure that all viewpoints are represented in our activities and publications.
How can I get involved?
Friends of Europe values the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders in our activities. The diversity of the members of our stakeholder network guarantees the quality, independence and impact of our work: as organisations ranging from companies of all sizes, to international institutions, to NGOs, universities and diplomatic missions, our stakeholders each represent the interests of a particular group and therefore bring this perspective to the table to enrich the debates that they join.
When joining us as a member you access our influential network of EU and global policy and decision-makers. This ranges from ministers, chief executive officers, world-leading entrepreneurs & innovators, heads of international, national and European institutions, pivotal NGO influencers, ambassadors from every region, and Young Leaders. Across all our work, the voices of citizens all over Europe are heard via the links we make with our Debating Europe citizens’ platform.
Why become a member of the Friends of Europe stakeholder network?
- As a member of Friends of Europe’s network of stakeholders, your organisation will:
- Access a wide-ranging programme of activities, from large-scale policy summits to exclusive roundtables and informal networking opportunities
- Engage with leaders at the heart of European policymaking at our lively and interactive debates
- Connect across sectors and access alternative views and perspectives
- Debate and develop policy solutions and improve policy thinking
- Be informed and engaged in current and emerging policy discussion in European and global affairs
- Access expert views and change the development of current, emerging and new policies
Contact us
For more information, please contact:
Natasha Ibbotson Deputy Director, Partnerships at Friends of Europe +3228939824