European Oceans Pact: is maritime transport on board?
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- Area of Expertise
- Climate, Energy & Natural Resources
Friends of Europe is an independent think tank with a difference. We are passionate about good policymaking. We support a multilateral world in which all levels of governance, the private and civil society sectors, as well as citizens, cooperate to solve common challenges. We believe that pioneering ideas and effective policies stem from breaking down silos and building communities of trust between policymakers, business leaders, civil society representatives and individual citizens.
At our core, we embrace European values and freedoms. We are committed to social justice and equality. We believe in partnership and solidarity. These are the core components of a more inclusive, sustainable and forward-looking Europe.
‘Connect – Debate – Change’ is our DNA and central to the way we work. Through our whole-of-society, whole-of-economy approach, we engage and connect critical thinkers, unusual voices and those who are ready to challenge the status quo.
We craft bold and innovative recommendations with stakeholders across Europe and the world to revitalise the European Project and shape a renewed 21st-century social contract that is based on peace, prosperity, inclusion and sustainability.
Connecting voices from a diversity of backgrounds, we are a driving force for debate. This is how we catalyse change.
We seek to revitalise the European Project and build a more inclusive, sustainable and forward-thinking Europe.
Our strategic objectives drive what we do and the way we work.
1. Promote new leadership
2. Regenerate democracy
3. Challenge inequality of opportunities
4. Bolster a green transformation
5. Reframe Europe’s role in the world
Friends of Europe stands for the values outlined in Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union:
“The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.”
Friends of Europe does not represent any national, religious, political, corporate nor NGO point of view, and will welcome all sides of a debate to defend their points of view. However, as Friends of Europe strongly adheres to European values and freedoms, we reserve the right to decline the contributions and participation of or partnerships with entities, including political parties, governments or corporations, that do not respect these basic values.
Fundraising through partnerships and projects is of vital importance to Friends of Europe in order to ensure the greatest possible impact, participation and reach of our activities. By upholding the principles of ethics and transparency as we secure funding, our operating guidelines enable us to maintain our integrity and reputation as one of Europe’s leading independent think tanks.
Friends of Europe has committed to developing a formal Action Plan on Diversity and obtaining a ‘diversity label’ from Actiris, the Brussels employment office. Working towards obtaining this label will reinforce the organisation’s commitment to and efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and further strengthen our policies and practices on DEI.
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