Euronews | Election misinformation is making Europe 'anxious'. What can be done to limit foreign interference?

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Peace, Security & Defence

The Russians are looking to destabilise an “anxious” Europe by interfering in the European elections as the clock clicks closer to voting on June 6 to 9, according to security experts.

While Russian foreign interference isn’t new, the Ukraine war is, according to Rolf Nijmeijer, research assistant and Russian disinformation expert with the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO).

But, Jamie Shea, senior fellow at Friends of Europe and retired NATO official, said there’s no “conclusive evidence” that Russian interference changes an election result.

“Did it alone explain why [former US president Donald] Trump was elected in 2016? No,” Shea said.

“It’s important to not over talk this, to say that politicians won… or lost because of Russia. The more you play it up, the more you show [Vladimir] Putin that he’s powerful”.

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